Nerd Bacon’s Top 10 Favorite Games

Top 10 Favorite Consoles

Following up on our Top 5 ConsolesThe Bacon’s senior staff is now bringing you their Top 10 Favorite Games of all time!

Before anyone gets upset that one game or another failed to make anybody’s list, just remember that everyone was asked to list their favorites, and not to necessarily choose the objectively “best” or “most influential” games in the industry’s history.  Like July’s Top 5 Consolesthis is based purely on personal preference.

Picking out 10 favorite games isn’t easy, no matter what your tastes in gaming are or how wide your scope is.  Do you load it up with games from your favorite couple of genres?  Or do you deliberately take games of all sorts into account?  Where do you draw the line between what you used to like playing and what you currently like?  Are you able to separate nostalgia from preference?  Do you risk putting the black sheep of a series on your list, even if you had a blast?  There’s so much to think about, even if you’re not really thinking about it.  And when you finally have 10 that you can comfortably call your favorite, then you’ve got to rank them and in doing so proclaim that one single finality: your favorite game ever.

So pull up a chair and get to know some of the heavyweights around here a little better!  Our writers will be more than happy to discuss their choices with you via the comments below each of their respective lists.  Love their preferences?  Tell ’em!  And when you’ve finished, be sure to check out many of the same members’ choices for Top 5 Consoles if you haven’t done so already.

Top 10 Games - Justicescooby

Top 10 Games - NerdBerry

Top 10 Games - The Cubist

Top 10 Games - Variand

Top 10 Favorite Games

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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