Nerd Bacon’s Top 5 Favorite Consoles

Top 5 Consoles

With Nerd Bacon’s 1 year anniversary on the horizon, we wanted to spend some time getting to know the great writers that have helped make our site what it is today.  To kick off our celebration of talent and dedication, we wanted to get input from our senior members on what their 5 favorite consoles of all time are.

First, let’s see what the site as a whole considered their favorite systems.  A whopping 24 of our members participated, and here’s what they thought:

5.  Nintendo GameCube

3. (tie) PlayStation2

3. (tie) Xbox 360

2.  Super Nintendo

1.  Nintendo 64

Well, there we have it, The Bacon’s collective Top 5 Favorite Consoles.  No handhelds and a clear Nintendo bias.  The N64, woefully underestimated during its time, won the race with its timeless predecessor, the SNES, following closely behind.  Tied at number 3 is history’s best selling console, the PlayStation 2, and the Xbox 360, which perfected and refined our notion of “online gaming” and completely revolutionized the simple concept of “multiplayer.”  Nintendo’s GameCube is last but not least (number 5 is nothing to sneeze at!), another strong system that wasn’t always highly revered during its commercial lifetime.

In this series of articles, we’re not trying to be historians or analysts, we just want to share our personal preferences.  This is all about what we love to play, nothing more and nothing less.  Agree?  Disagree?  Good!  Let us know!

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Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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