Editorial Review
Once your review is submitted it will enter a queue overseen by Nerd Bacon’s editorial staff. Articles are weighted for priority based on member status but we do strive to publish or critique submitted material as quickly as possible. Straight from Variand, the site’s former editor-in-chief himself, here’s what will happen next.
“The article is reviewed. If everything passes on the first review, then your article will be posted without delay. If there are any problems or areas that could be improved upon, you’ll be notified by email with a review report.
The report will contain 3 categories: Required, Suggested, and Grammar. Here’s a quick summary of what these categories mean:
- Required: This category will contain everything that must be changed or excused before the article will be published. Issues such as factual errors, hypocritical statements, and proper meta data (tags, categories, and SEO) will be included.
- Suggested: This category will contain aspects that don’t necessarily need to be changed, but could possibly be reworked or made clearer. Issues such as unclear or confusing statements, areas that would benefit from expansion, and better “article flow” will be here.
- Grammar: Self-explanatory, though purposefully poor grammar can be utilized for points of parody and satire. If the editor(s) miss this intended use and cite such as a grammatical error, simply email us to let us know.
When you receive an email informing you that your article did not pass, please take the time to review the items listed and correct them as needed. If you choose not to correct any of the Suggested or Grammar items, we recommend replying to the editor with your reason(s) for neglecting the issue(s) in question to avoid an unnecessary second email from the editor addressing the same problems.”
We hope that all of you are understanding of this necessary evil. A second set of eyes carefully going over our work improves everyone’s output and in turn makes the site stronger and more professional. All respectable journalistic outlets employ the use of an editorial staff for the same reason. Should your work receive any critiques (as all of ours are bound to), please do not take personal offense to any remarks made about the quality of your work. This is purely a means to ensure a standard of quality across the board that everyone is forced to go through, even authors, officers, and Nerd Bacon administrators alike.
I would assume that many of you became interested in the site as a means to showcase your expertise on video games and therefore want people to read articles. The higher quality standards we can maintain, the more traffic we’ll attract. More visitors equals more readers. A site with even a small portion of inept articles is enough to turn off many potential readers forever, and that means no one’s content gets read. Even if it feels like a pain at times, remember, Nerd Bacon‘s editorial staff has been doing this for a long time, and in the long term this process will help create a site where people can be confident of our writers’ knowledge and expertise.
Should any major disagreements arise between an editor and a writer, please contact NerdBerry or The Cubist to assist in resolving such a dispute.
If this is your first time, please read through the required reading IN ORDER.
← Submitting Your Review Requirements →
Required Information for Members HUB
- Getting Started at Nerd Bacon
- Your First Review
- Review Content
- Formatting Your Review
- Rating Games at Nerd Bacon
- Featured Images (For Articles)
- Submitting Your Review/Article
- Editorial Review
- Requirements
- Author Status
- Other Articles
- Tech Support and WordPress Issues
- Exceptions
- Termination Policy and Procedure
Extra Information for Members (Optional)
Review Structure – (What’s in a review?)
Tips for Writing Better Reviews
Watermarking Your Original Images
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Patrick, aka The Cubist: TheCubist@NerdBacon.com
David, aka Nerdberry: Nerdberry@NerdBacon.com