Watermarking Original Images
For those of you going to the trouble of generating unique captures for your reviews, we want to make sure your efforts are protected. To use at your discretion, we’ve provided a set of watermarks for you to use however you wish. Please only use these on images you’ve captured yourself! You’re not required to use them nor do we have any further rules regarding use. It’s up to you whether you even want to use them or not and how to utilize them on your pictures.
Included in the .zip
file below are 20 watermarks and a .txt
file going into a little bit of detail about how exactly to place them on your images. It also explains what the differences between all the watermarks are and where to best start.
Download Nerd Bacon Watermarks
100% Opacity w/ Shadow 80% Opacity w/ Shadow 60% Opacity w/ Shadow 40% Opacity w/ Shadow 20% Opacity w/ Shadow
100% Opacity w/ Shadow 80% Opacity w/ Shadow 60% Opacity w/ Shadow 40% Opacity w/ Shadow 20% Opacity w/ Shadow