Street Fighter V Details Revealed – PS4 Exclusive

Street Fighter Series producer Yoshinori Ono took to the PlayStation Experience stage in Las Vegas today with Sony executive Adam Boyes to reveal more details on Street Fighter V.

A day after a teaser trailer for Street Fighter V prematurely hit the internet proclaiming the game would be exclusive to PlayStation 4 and PC, Boyes set to put to rest any speculation on whether or not this meant the game would be a timed exclusive.

Street Fighter V will be built for the ground up for PlayStation. And PlayStation 4 will be the only console this game appears on.”

Boyes and Ono then went on to confirm that the PS4 version of Street Fighter V would be cross-play compatible with the PC version.

After replaying the now widely seen teaser trailer from the previous day, Ono then gave the fans an extra treat; a 90 second glimpse of the actual game in action.

The duo also confirmed that The first gameplay demonstration of Street Fighter V will take place at the Capcom Cup grand finals tournament happening next Saturday, December 13 in San Francisco, CA, and will be streamed live on

No release time frame has been given as of yet.






Are you ready for another fight? Let us know how excited you are for Street Fighter V in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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