Social Networking Involvement

Nerd Bacon tries to drive traffic to the site and spread the word through various social media outlets.  With each of our members out there helping to spread the word, we can extend our reach even further.  Although it certainly isn’t required, here are a few small measures you can take to help Nerd Bacon out!

  • Add/follow/friend Nerd Bacon on whatever networks we’re both a part of.
  • Like/Tweet/Share articles on the website via the buttons at the bottom of each page for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.  This is a very easy thing to do that exposes us to large numbers of people.
  • Encourage more people to become friends and followers.
  • Volunteer your time and/or content to certain services (more on this below).
  • Help us set up shop and get going on other social networking sites.

Below is a list of sites that we’re currently involved in.  Some of them are running fairly smoothly, while others could use the assistance of seasoned users.  Take a minute to look through them and see if you can help, and also follow the links so that you can add/follow/friend Nerd Bacon on the networks that you use!

Nerd Bacon on Facebook

Follow us!

We’ve maintained an active presence on Facebook since almost the very beginning. Currently we reach several hundred people each week through the site. It’s also well integrated into the site, which makes it easy to just click “Like” on any articles that grab your attention. You don’t even have to leave the site!

Currently we don’t need any administrative assistance over at Facebook, but what we do need is your continued support and involvement. Clicking the “Like” button down at the bottom of each article helps tremendously!

Nerd Bacon on Twitter

Follow us!

Twitter is another network that we’ve stayed on top of since the beginning. Our number of followers has steadily risen, but we are always looking to reach out to more and more interested parties. We would welcome any suggestions.

Apart from seeking out new contacts, we’re able to keep up with Twitter pretty good. Like Facebook, you can help us by tweeting articles that you like using the buttons at the bottom of the page. It’s very easy and only takes a few seconds.

Nerd Bacon on Google+

Follow us!

Google+ is another service that’s integrated into the site (you’ll see the icon at the bottom along with those for Twitter and Facebook) and for that reason, we’d like to do our best to get more active on it as much as we can. It’ll likely become similar to our Facebook page, but that’s ok, because we’re still reaching people.

This is an area we’re just starting to work on and we could really use some help. Anyone familiar with Google+ who would be willing to work on this aspect would be a great assistance. Someone who could help us maintain our Google+ page from day to day without needing to take explicit direction from us would be ideal. We need to actively connect with others through Google+ as well as keep our end stocked with contents/updates as well.

Nerd Bacon on Flickr

Follow us!

One of the reasons Nerd Bacon was started was to give us an outlet for our large collections of video game related stuff. We’ve started using Flickr to show off pictures of our collections and rare items, and we want to involve as many members as possible!

If you have pictures of your video gaming stuff, we’d love to put them on the Flickr page! Collections of games, collections of systems, rare games/hardware/anything else are all fair game. Just email them to and we’ll take care of the rest. All images will be watermarked, but if you want to save us some time, you can learn how to watermark them yourself. Making sure the site’s address is visible on every single image ensures that interested viewers know where to find us. This is ongoing, so even if you don’t have any pictures right now, we’ll always be accepting them.

Flickr is easy for us to run and maintain, though we are open to help when it comes to connecting with groups and individuals. If you have any experience in this area, let us know!

Nerd Bacon’s YouTube Channel

Subscribe to us!

Some of our members have been dabbling in video reviews, and a YouTube channel is obviously the best outlet for sharing video. While we want to keep our primary focus on the site itself, we can and will accept video reviews. If this is an area you’d be interested in contributing to, please let us know! Though we prefer video reviews, we may also be open to other types of gaming-related videos. As the channel grows, we will probably need some assistance reaching out to potential subscribers.

Nerd Bacon on Twitch

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Another way we plan to increase interest in the site is by hosting regular streams on Twitch. Anybody is welcome to participate. Our eventual goal is to hold down a regular schedule and let interested members rotate. Depending on the level of involvement, we may have to adjust how often we host these events, though we’re shooting for at least once a week.

If streaming live gameplay is something you may want to get involved with, let us know!

Nerd Bacon on Tumblr

Follow us!

We don’t have much of a presence on Tumblr just yet, but like many of these services, it’s another good (and free!) way to get our name and our articles out there. We would really love for an experienced and dedicated member to manage our presence on Tumblr, so let us know if you can help!


Nerd Bacon’s RSS

Subscribe to our RSS feed, and subscribe to our Comments feed!

This is just our RSS feed, but we’d love for members to subscribe and possibly put the word out there as much as possible. It’s a great way to keep up with updates to the site, and our Comments feed will help members and involved participants keep up with the discussion on the site.

Also, if you have any experience with maximizing the usefulness of RSS feeds, get in touch with us!

Other Social Networks

We’re interested in getting involved with a number of other sites as time goes on, but we will inevitably need help managing these sites and using them to their fullest potential. Any experience or knowledge is welcome. Which sites are most important for us to get involved on? Which are the easiest? What can you best help us with? Experience would be great, but we would be glad to give any enthusiastic individuals a chance to help out!

Here are some other social networking sites that we have a tentative interest in (in no particular order):

    • StumbleUpon
    • Instagram
    • Digg
    • Reddit
    • Pinterest
    • Vimeo
    • Delicious
    • Playfire
    • Any other ideas are welcome!