Map Leak Confirms New Red Dead On Its Way

A map for the rumored sequel to Rockstar Games’ cowboy epic, Red Dead Redemption has been confirmed to be real, according to sources speaking with Tech Radar.

“A source close to the development of the new Red Dead game has now confirmed to us that the map is indeed the real deal, revealing that this is a “very recent” art direction map for the upcoming title.

They also confirmed that the game will be set before the events of Redemption, and that the new map is just east of the one that featured in Red Dead Redemption.”

The as of yet unannounced game reportedly takes place in the years prior to the 2010 masterpiece and comparisons between the leaked image and the map that was featured in Read Dead Redemption reveal that the two fit together into a cohesive whole.

Red Dead map leak

Courtesy of Tech Radar

Rockstar is as always, tight lipped about any projects they are currently developing, however Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take Two interactive, who own’s Rockstar Games, told MCV that they planned to be at E3 2016 “in a big way.”

The alleged Red Dead map first appeared on gaming forum NeoGaf from user, Mideon and quickly sparked debate among the community as to the authenticity of the image.

In 2014 Zelnick stated that Red Dead, like its flagship Grand Theft Auto series, is a “permanent franchise” so a sequel was all but assured, however this is the first time we have received any real confirmation that there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel for those of us wishing to virtually live out our wild west fantasies. (That kind of sounded dirty.)

Here is the map for 2010's Red Dead Redemption. Notice how the Great Planes section lines up with where the new map begins?

Here is the map for 2010’s Red Dead Redemption. Notice how the Great Planes section lines up with where the new map begins?

Could an E3 2016 unveiling be in the cards for a new Red Dead Redemption game? Luckily, we are just two months away from the mega-event, which runs June 14 – 16 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

For those of you who for whatever reason skipped Red Dead Redemption, What are you waiting for!!??

Ahem – Seriously though, it was a fantastic game that brought the freedom of the open-world design of the Grand Theft Auto series, and melded that with a fantastic story of a man seeking redemption for his troubled past, in the face of the end of an era. We happen to have a review of it right here.

Are you excited to mount up and ride again with a Red Dead Redemption sequel? Let us know in the Comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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