The Assassin’s Creed Movie Is Looking Promising – First Trailer Released

A new trailer for the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie debuted late Wednesday, courtesy of the Jimmy Kimmel Live show.

The trailer gives us our first insight into the plot-line for the anticipated film adaptation of the hit series.

From what we can gather from this brief preview, Michael Fassbender’s character plays a convicted convict who has a rather important figures within his bloodline. A cover-story claiming that he has been executed allows him to be turned over to Abstergo, who’s representative, played by Marion Cotillard, introduces him to the fabled Animus; a device which allows one to travel into the memories of their ancestors.

As you can see, the imagery depicted in the new trailer does a good job of capturing the visuals found in the Assassin’s Creed series of games, complete with a swan-dive off of the tallest building in the surrounding vicinity. It’s enough to give us hope that the Assassin’s Creed movie will run contrary to the less-than-stellar past of previous game to film adaptations.

We will find out whether or not the Assassin’s Creed movie has accomplished this mission when it arrives in theaters, December 21st, 2016.

Are you excited to see Assassin’s Creed hit the silver screen? Will it satiate your Assassin’s Creed appetite in the face of no game release for 2016? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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