New Gaming News Site, Glixel To Open In October

“Gaming is today what rock ‘n’ roll was when Rolling Stone was founded.”

That statement is quite a pronouncement coming from anyone; however when that bold assessment of gaming is being made by Gus Wenner, the son of Rolling Stone Magazine’s founder, Jann Wenner; it tends to result in more than a few eyebrows being raised.

Let's hope there isn't a gaming equivalent of this cover when Glixel launches.

Let’s hope there isn’t a gaming equivalent of this cover when Glixel launches.

Wenner is going further than big talk and bold assessments with his vote of confidence in the gaming art-form. The heir to the iconic magazine is putting his money where his mouth is.

Speaking in the May 23rd edition of the New York Times, the media mogul announced that he would be launching a new gaming-centric website called, Glixel.

The site is scheduled to go fully operational in October and is being overseen by former CBS Interactive’s John Davidson, who’s former gaming-related endeavors includes work at sites like, 1-Up, EGM, and Gamespot.

Glixel aims to produce a more meaningful experience to gaming related media than we are used to seeing. The company counts providing greater insight and “context” to the various happenings within the video game industry, as their main objective, telling the NY Times:

[E]ven if you’re not completely into it [the subject of the story], when you read these stories, you think, ‘Jeez, that sounds awesome.’”

The prospect of cross-promotional opportunities with one of the most influential publications in American history makes the impending launch of Glixel more than a little intriguing.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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