Is Strider Joining Street Fighter? – Zeku Joins Street Fighter V Roster

While the prospect of getting to play directly as Capcom’s legendary ninja, Strider Hiryu has not become a reality yet, we can at least look forward to the next best thing.

Zeku, a battle hardened, but still amazingly fly-looking ninja master was revealed as the next inductee into the Street Fighter V roster early Sunday morning.

As you can see in the reveal trailer below, Zeku pairs his devastating arsenal of special moves with blinding speed to keep his opponents guessing. At one point in the trailer, Zeku leaps high in the air off-screen, only to reemerge fully-adorned in classic, honest-to-God Strider garb!

Story-line-wise, Zeku is a master of the Bushinryu style of ninja fighting, and was the master and trainer of Final Fight/Street Fighter series alum, Guy.

Zeku’s arrival marks the final addition to Street Fighter V’s season 2 lineup, which began in December of last year with the arrival of Akuma.

Street Fighter V fans will be able to check out Zeku for themselves on October 24th.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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