Cross-Link Checker

Systematically sift through articles, both new and old, looking for opportunities to cross-link to other existing articles.

This may seem like a mundane position, but it’s something that needs to be done and managed on a constant basis.  Several of our articles will mention other games, and writers will later go on to write about these games.  It’s impossible to keep up a list of what game is mentioned, where it’s mentioned, and when and if the title is mentioned again, but ideally we’d like to link to other articles whenever possible.

For example, if someone mentions Super Mario 64 in their article about Super Mario Land 2 but a review for Super Mario 64 doesn’t exist, then obviously a link cannot be inserted.  However, a writer may review Super Mario 64 a couple of months down the line.  Your job would be to go through posts, and once you reached Super Mario Land 2, notice that there’s a mention of Super Mario 64 that hasn’t been linked up.  You would then highlight the “Super Mario 64” text and insert the link to the appropriate article.

Beyond this, we would also like for readers to be able to navigate to other games in the same series easily.  For example, at the end of The Cubist’s review for Super Mario Bros., there should be a small note saying something like “Be sure to check out Dovahkyle’s review of Super Mario Bros. 3″ where the “Super Mario Bros. 3” text would be linked appropriately.  Likewise, a similar note should be inserted at the end of Dovahkyle’s review pointing to The Cubist’s article.

Lastly, we would need your assistance in compiling lists of related games.  In most cases this is unnecessary, but take Mario for instance.  Mario games are generally broken down into any number of different and distinct series, but they are all Mario games.  Keeping a record of such similar games would help us a lot so that we can go back and make a menu that will point to each article, or have a dedicated “Mario page” with links to all Mario reviews.  This page would in turn be mentioned on all Mario reviews so that a user reading one Mario review could easily click the link and see a listing of all of our Mario reviews and browse at their leisure.  You wouldn’t have to actually put this together on the website, rather keep a record of such incidents, email them to us once in a while, and we’ll get back to you saying something like “here’s a page full of Mario game links, be sure to include a link to this at the end of all Mario game reviews.”

This will be a tedious, lengthy, and on-going process.  There’s no great way to do it other than going through each article, one by one, searching for any games that are mentioned, and then searching the site to see if we have a review of the game.  To speed things up for future additions, you could also go through every article and make a list of the games mentioned, crossing them off as they’re reviewed on the site.  We wouldn’t expect you to go through dozens of reviews every day but we would like to see steady progress.  Any other method that you can devise would be fine as well, just as long as we can get titles mentioned in other articles linked to their correct ones.

The good news?  It is a slow paced activity that you can start and stop at your leisure.  The task may seem insignificant but any way that we can improve a user’s navigation is valued.  Ever started reading someone on Wikipedia only to click on one link after another of unrelated stuff?  That may not quite be us, but it is an important facet to address.

Because of the level of access you’ll need to carry this out, we’d really like someone that we can trust.  As time goes on, you’ll become more familiar with what we do and don’t have reviews for, so a member who’s committed for the long term is also a necessity.

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