A Delicious Stew – ReCore Combines Mega Man and Metroid Prime Ingredients – E3 2016

Perhaps the most tantalizing way in which someone could describe a game, is to call it the result of a baby made between Mega Man and Metroid Prime.

And that fantastic idea of a spawn is what we have in ReCore, for the Xbox One and Windows 10 PC’s.

ReCore is the brainchild between Mega Man’s Keiji Inafune, and former members of the core team from Retro Studios, who helped create Metroid Prime.

It’s been a full year since we were introduced to ReCore. Since it’s reveal at E3 2015, not much has been heard regarding the project. So it’s exciting to find out that we won’t have to wait too much longer to play it – ReCore is scheduled for release on September 13th.

Joseph Staten, Senior Creative Director at Microsoft Studios, stopped by the IGN E3 2016 booth to upload some details about ReCore for players.


ReCore will land players on a remote planet called Far Eden, a remote outpost that our protagonist, Joule Adams, is working to terraform.

After completing her work, Joule outs herself into cryo-sleep, waiting to awake a hundred or so years later to witness a new paradise springing forth from her efforts. However, when the years pass, and Joule does wake up, she finds that the robots she had relied on to assist her have run amok.

Now she must solve the mystery of why the robots went berserk, and work to make things right.

ReCore’s main gameplay elements are the swapping of “core’s”, which act as a robot’s personality. There are three main core’s that act as Joule’s companions in the game.

  • Mack  is the adventurous explorer of the group.
  • Duncan has brutal strength.
  • Seth is described as being an escape artist, who can help you reach places that you couldn’t otherwise.

recore neon_0001_largeEach core can be swapped in and out of a variety of frames, so the challenge will be pairing up the correct robot core to the correct frame to help solve a variety of puzzles.

Each enemy defeated will yield you experience that can be spent on upgrading your energy rifle, which has a number of different abilities for you to utilize.

ReCore looks like it’s shaping up to be an innovative action adventure, exclusive to Microsoft’s family of platforms.

What do you think of ReCore? Is it something you’s like to play, or do you want to swap it out with a different game? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at thewatchman@butthole.nerdbacon.com
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