Assassin’s Creed Rogue New Story Trailer

Ubisoft has released a new Story Trailer for Assassin’s Creed Rogue to the US Markets in which you’ll get a better glimpse into the motivation behind the games lead character, Shay.

For those of you familiar with the game series and more specifically, you’ll find that Shay may ultimately be justified in his actions to defect and ultimately hunt down his former brothers.

For those of you not yet initiated into the Brotherhood, here’s some background.  The Assassin Order has its creed, “Nothing is true.  Everything is permitted,” as well as its 3 tenants.  They are:

1.  Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.

In the trailer, it appears as if the Assassin’s Leadership (which would include AC3’s Master Assassin Achilles Davenport – mentioned in the trailer) has had Shay essentially destroy an entire section of a town, easily killing around a hundred innocent lives.  Regardless of the what happened, such as misinformation or a Templar plot to sow ill will towards the assassin’s by painting them as terrorists, the fact is, Shay took the lives of many innocent people.  That is enough to throw anyone into a fit of PTS.

2.  Hide in plain sight

This tenant goes a bit deeper by necessitating that the Assassin’s carry the good will of the people to allow them to hide amongst crowds, and is not just a command to learn how to sneak (though it does come in handy).  Remember the Assassins prefer to be a blade in the crowd and not a shadow in the moonlight.

Shay’s destruction of the city would have lost that good favor of the citizens as well as allow the Templar spin-doctors to paint the assassin’s with an image of terrorism.  At this point, it would be hard to hide when even your friends are no longer willing to hide you.

3.  Never compromise the Brotherhood

Shay unwittingly did this with his actions, on the presumed orders of the Assassin’s leadership.  As stated in the top two tenants, the Brotherhood would be placed at a significantly lesser position.  Ultimately, this comprises not only his assassin’s brothers, but every effort the brotherhood is making.

This third tenant will be the one to watch for the most while playing AC Rogue.  Shay has definitely defected and joined the Templars, but will he truly be able to break all the tenants?  Will he comprise the Assassin Order by giving the Templars all the details, or will he retain his sense of honor by not divulging their secrets?  Or has he become so disenchanted with the order all together that he has lost faith in everything for which the Assassins stood, including their Creed and Tenants?

Be sure to get the game and find out this November 11th.

Written by Variand


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