Anthem Gameplay and Release date Revealed at E3 – E3 2018

BioWare’s next long-awaited game, Anthem, was shown off to close EA Play at E3 2018 and NerdBacon is here to bring you coverage of all things Anthem. This year Electronic Arts wanted to plant Anthem into the back of all our brains by giving us an inside look at what is to come in this shared world experience and while they didn’t show us everything they showed enough to keep us on the edge of our seats and wanting more. They did on the other hand answer some great questions that will make many incoming fans happy.

The key art shown off prior to E3.

This shared world experience is playable solo or as a team of up to four. Anthem has story driven content that drives the game and it’s up to each player on how they want to experience the content. There will be single player experiences, but it was not clear whether this is separate from the evolving story mode content. Should you want to venture out and tackle the world on your own you absolutely can, but one thing was made very clear. Solo play could be more difficult than if you had a squad of teammates.

The team over at BioWare has you going up against multiple types of enemies that are called the Dominion. The Dominion are ancient rivals who think that they can weaponize The Anthem and you are tasked with stopping this from happening. While we do not know who or what The Anthem is, it is said that The Anthem is “all that remains.” During Anthem’s showcase it was mentioned that the Gods left behind these tools for survival. Another little tidbit that gives me very little insight yet may also shadow what is to come in this game.

Anthem has you playing as a freelancer who pilots these EXO suits uniquely named Javelin. These Javelin are important to the world you inhabit due to the always changing atmosphere. Whether that would be due to ferocious storms or the change in the seasons, you will be venturing out in your very own Javelin suit. Each Javelin is completely customizable from head to toe which grants you the ability to change the gear, paint, and geometry of your suit. This allows each person playing Anthem to feel as though they are their own character and give you deeper ties to the world you’re in.

While this has been the Javelin EXO suit we have seen so far, you will be able to customize yours in many different ways.

While your Javelin suit is completely customizable, you will have to pick from one of four of the games classes. The Ranger, Colossus, Interceptor, and the Storm. Each classes suit will be unique to that class and have a distinct look and play style. This was very noticeable in the short gameplay trailer that EA and BioWare did bring to E3. While the Javelin were shown off they didn’t mention how different will these suits function or how they each may work together.

“Here we see the Javelin in their natural habitat.”

Now if you’re like the majority of us who are curious about how you will obtain the pieces to customize your Javelin suits you will be happy to hear the next piece of information. Electronic Arts and BioWare made sure to mention that there are no loot boxes and the game is not pay to win. There will be purchasable items and you will know exactly what you’re getting when you make your purchase. This is not only a welcome feature but a breath of fresh air when mentioning an EA game.

Anthem will be coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on February 22nd, 2019. Of course, we expect to hear more news during E3 and in the coming months leading up to the launch. As always stay tuned for all things Anthem as well as all things E3 and video games here at

Written by Level Up Justin

Justin AKA Level Up Justin, is a video game journalist and content creator from Des Moines, Iowa. He’s a life-long fan of all things video games and has been playing as far back as he can remember. Throughout his life he has grown to love all different types of games. All the way from third person action adventure to first person shooters. From sport simulations to survival horror. Although he would have to admit that he excels at platformers the most. When it comes to video games, Level Up Justin is willing to give everything a shot.

Justin is a so called pro wrestling expert, sports fanatic, rock and roll enthusiast, horror nerd and avid dog lover. If you’re ever out with him be prepared to pet any canine that comes into the vicinity! If he wasn’t creating content for video games he’d be doing something similar in the world of sports, most likely baseball. Make sure to follow Level Up Justin on all of the social medias @ LevelUpJustin

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