Ubisoft Introduces “Black Box” Gameplay in Assassin’s Creed Unity

In this latest episode of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed hype-fest we will be looking at mission gameplay setup.

In a post in Ubisoft’s blog, Ubisoft released an 11 minute gameplay video as well as some more information regarding how gameplay will work. The video can be seen here:

This video shows gameplay of a seemingly typical assassination mission. But it’s not, it is much more than typical. The biggest difference that will separate Assassin’s Creed Unity from other Assassin’s Creed games is that players will have more options with how they approach a mission. These types of open-ended missions have been dubbed by Ubisoft as “black box missions.” The decisions and tasks that players complete during the mission can influence how the rest of the mission plays out. In the released mission there are 10 ways to enter the Notre Dame Cathedral and multiple variations of how a player could go about finding a way to enter.

In this respect it reminds me a lot of the 2014 reboot of Thief where there were many ways to go through buildings and complete missions. Having this wide variety of options will redefine what we know of as “open world.” Not only will the map be large and open but a player’s decisions will be open as well.

In theory, a player could go through a mission one way and replay it a completely different way. This will allow for Assassin’s Creed Unity to have a high replay value. Having a high replay value is satisfying on a consumer standpoint, to say the least. It’s understandable that you would want to be able to replay a game that you dropped $60 on.

From all of the announcements made by Ubisoft in the past couple of months, us here at Nerd Bacon are definitely feeling the hype and so far we’re impressed. Time will tell if Assassin’s Creed Unity can live up to the hype.

Assassin’s Creed Unity will be released on October 28, 2014 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.


Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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