Assassin’s Creed Takes A Breather

The Assassin’s Creed franchise has been going non-stop, with yearly installments to the series arriving ever since making it’s debut in 2007. However, this year, Assassins around the world will finally get a chance to rest.

Ubisoft confirmed today that there will not be a new “main entry” to the Assassin’s Creed franchise in 2016, via a post on the official Ubiblog website.

This year, we also are stepping back and re-examining the Assassins’s Creed franchise. As a result, we’ve decided that there will not be a new Assassin’s Creed game in 2016. Since the release of Assassin’s Creed Unity, we’ve learned a lot based on your feedback. ”

This guy does not spy a new Assassin's Creed game on the horizon for 2016.

This guy does not spy a new Assassin’s Creed game on the horizon for 2016.

The post goes on to explain that based on fan feedback, Ubisoft will be focusing on evolving the mechanics of the series as part of their “commitment to making Assassin’s Creed a premiere open-world franchise.

Rumors regarding a rest period for Assassins Creed started swirling at the beginning of January after an anonymous source claiming to be developer with Ubisoft leaked the impending franchise vacation, via 4chan.

There won’t be an AC in 2016. You may screen cap this and refer to it when nothing is shown in E3 2016. You’ll have to wait until 2017 for it.”

The source also went on to say that the next installment in the Assassins Creed series would take place in ancient Egypt as a prequel to the entire Assassin’s Creed series, and that the game engine that has supported the series from its inception in 2007 was getting a major overhaul.

Will the upcoming Assassin's Creed movie be as good as the games..?

Will the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie be as good as the games..?

It will be a complete revamp of the series. The game is going for a ‘Witcher’ feel, with player progression, freeform combat system. It’s made by the Black Flag Team.”

While Assassin’s Creed fans may be disappointed in the absence of a new entry in the series this year, there will still be plenty of Assassins Creed related action to satiate their appetites for virtual stealth-killings.

As noted in the aforementioned Ubiblog post, a full-length Assassin’s Creed feature film starring Michael Fassbender, Jeremy Irons, and Marion Cotillard is currently in post-production and scheduled to hit theaters on December 21st. There is also the Assassin’s Creed Chronicles series; a three-part 2D spinoff series that bares a passing resemblance to the excellent 2012 release, Mark of the Ninja.

Reactions from fans to the news have been very positive, with most comments on the Ubiblog commending Ubisoft for taking their time to ensure the quality of the next Assassins Creed title.

Are you starting to experience withdrawal symptoms from the knowledge that there will be no new Assassins Creed game this year? Get some support by posting in the comments section below

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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