Assassin’s Creed Unity Has a World War II Location

As we come closer to the release of Assassin’s Creed Unity it’s only to be expected that the best and most exciting details are to be teased. Earlier this week Ubisoft released a trailer titled “Time Anomaly.” Ubisoft didn’t go into detail about what exactly the trailer meant, saying that “we want to leave you with some big surprises.”

This certainly didn’t stop the internet from speculating.

It doesn’t take a historian to figure out that this part of Assassin’s Creed  Unity takes place during World War II. The giant Zeppelin’s flying around and a giant Nazi “V” plastered to the side of the Eiffel tower makes it quite obvious but one thing isn’t quite so obvious is why Arno ends up in World War II Paris. If the Animus were to collapse like it had in the trailer why wouldn’t it have diverted to another ancestor when the Animus sstabilized in World War II Paris? Logically, I would think that Animus would stabilize itself by diverting itself to another ancestor rather than becoming even more unstable by sending parts of the crashed simulation into a time period that they don’t belong in. This entire situation confuses  me but I’m sure Ubisoft has a reasonable explanation as to why “Arno” jumps time.

This trailer is also significant because World War II is one of the most requested eras for an Assassin’s Creed game to cover (Feudal Japan, and Ancient Egypt among others). Ubisoft listened to the fans and is delivering what the fans want. While the whole game won’t be centered around World War II, Ubisoft recognized that the player’s were interest in playing in this period and gave them what they wanted.

Assassin’s Creed Unity is available for pre-order and will be released on November 11, 2014.

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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