3. Carolina Pride

“Fries Crisp without burning”

bacon carolina pride

The flavor of this thick sliced Carolina Pride bacon is superb.  It has a medium to mid-high level saltiness but with a full-flavored fatty bacon taste.  Some people don’t like fatty bacon, and that’s why center cut bacon is so crazy popular these days.  But Carolina Pride bacon offers up a moderately fatty bacon strip that truly never burns.  I mean, I’m sure one can burn the hell out of it if they tried.  But it gets crisp fairly easily without sacrificing juiciness or flavor.  The bold flavor only increases the longer you cook it.  The wonder of this thick-sliced bacon is how it gets crispy on the outside, but still maintains some “give” in the middle and definitely feels more like a strip of MEAT than a strip of BACON, if you know what I mean.

I was especially pleased with this bacon as it is generally less expensive than any other bacon brand in the store. It usually costs the same as generic store brands and Gwaltney (which didn’t make the top 10 cut). BUT, even at a low cost, you are met with a quality brand.

Overall, satisfaction was guaranteed the moment I bought the bacon.  Satisfaction was acquired the moment I crunched down. And I’m a guy who prefers my bacon a hair less than well-done. I like the fatty end pieces too… mmmm Carolina Pride bacon.

Number 4 —  number 3 — Number 2

  • I don’t understand how anyone can say this is good bacon. Yes, it’s cheap, but you get what you pay for. The thick sliced is about the thickness of regular bacon and is so fatty it takes almost a whole package to get enough to make two BLT’s. I’ll never buy it again unless I am out of grease.

    Bob May 24, 2014 9:20 pm Reply
    • You must stack your BLTs like a boss, and I commend you for that. But seriously, spend a couple months trying your hand at like 20 different brands of bacon and then come back. I think you’d be surprised at how some of those other brands offer a subpar experience for what you used to consider a quality brand name.

      Carolina Pride bacon has tremendous flavor and cooks evenly without curling up almost every single time. The thick sliced is without a doubt thicker than your generically termed “regular bacon.” Read some other brands on this list. Hormel and Smithfield’s regular strips are so thin I can see right through them! They crisp up fast and quick, which means they can be over-cooked easily too. I’m not 90 years old so I don’t require my bacon to be EXTRA crispy.

      NerdBerry September 1, 2014 7:49 pm Reply
  • Pingback: Top 10 Best Bacon Brands

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