7. Plumrose

I thought I had exhausted my grocery store bacon collection until I randomly stumbled across Plumrose. A simple, yet somewhat bold, brand logo really sets the initial tone of this bacon. By no means does Plumrose try to be something it’s not, as they advertise themselves as PREMIUM bacon, yet they’re also not trying to be Boar’s Head or Wright Brand Bacon and that works just fine for them.

bacon plumrose bacon

Coming from the state of New Jersey, this is one of the best “northern” bacon brands I’ve tried. The taste is mostly balanced with a salt-forward flavor (as with most bacon). The smokiness could have been a little heavier as it is almost non-existent, but for those who are sensitive to the taste of smoke, then this bacon is right up your alley. Unfortunately this bacon doesn’t leave that much flavor lingering in your mouth. I like a bacon that leaves a nice meaty flavor minutes and minutes after eating it.

Each strip is uniformly sliced and fries up incredibly well. I didn’t have any uncontrollable curling at the ends or a crazy amount of shrinkage (meaning not an overabundance of fat). I overfried a couple slices and it doesn’t burn too easy but it definitely crisps with ease. Each strip produced a consistent crispy texture that broke off fairly well, albeit on the somewhat stretchy (or chewy) side (similar to the Boar’s Head brand).

Overall, Plumrose bacon isn’t incredible nor is it terrible. It floats somewhere near the middle of the pack when it comes to packaged bacon. I was pleased and when put on a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich, it didn’t overpower the other flavors at all. Fair price and fair taste make this a decent pick up for some decent everyday bacon usage.

Can be picked up for around $4.99 to $5.99 on average.

Number 8 — number 7 — Number 6

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