Baldur’s Gate – PC


Platform: PC/Mac

Release Date (NA): December 21, 1998

Developer: BioWare

Publisher: Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment

Genre: Role-Playing Games

Nerd Rating: 8 out of 10

Reviewed by Budroo

If you have plenty of time on your hands, this game is for you. Baldur’s Gate is the type of game that you can really get lost in, and I like those games when I’m trying to escape boredom. Basically, your godfather gets popped and you have to figure out what the hell is happening on the Sword Coast. You, the main character of the story, have powerful genetics. You are a descendant of a mighty ancestor. The Sword Coast is being corrupted and you’re the only one who can help restore order in the region.

Baldur’s Gate drops you right into the action. You immediately begin building your character and party once the game begins. Every experience point and piece of gold counts. As with many games, good gear and smart strategy will get you far. I enjoy the amount of contemplation this game requires of me. Whether I’m getting lost in the storyline or in figuring out the best possible party setup (like I hinted at earlier), this game is enthralling.


Some battles are small and meaningless, whereas this battle is of great significance to a subplot within your party. Watch out! That ogre packs quite a wallop. Should you take him out first or should you focus your attacks on the mage in the back? That mage can do a lot of damage pretty quickly! What strategy will you take?


The constant pursuit of a stronger character will have you addicted to Baldur’s Gate. As you level-up more, you’re granted different abilities that benefit you greatly in battle. I chose to be a paladin for my first play-through. By level 10, he was healing my party pretty well and casting some pretty sick buffers on himself.


I highly recommend you give Baldur’s Gate a try, especially if you’re at a point in your life where you have time to sit down for awhile and play. I’m working on Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn now, and hopefully will get back to you guys on how it goes. From what I’ve heard, It’s even better than the original Baldur’s Gate. It’s on many reputable organizations’ top-100 PC games lists.

On another note, next time you order a burger or chicken sandwich, please ask for some bacon on it. It’ll do ya good.

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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