Bandai Namco Joins Humble Bundle

Gamer’s who are looking to find a good deal on various Bandai Namco titles, as well as help some fine charities do a little good in the world now have the opportunity to do both.

Bandai Namco has announced that they will partner with Humble Bundle to distribute a number of the company’s titles.

For those unfamiliar, Humble Bundle offers a weekly series of game bundles to players and allows them to name the price that they want to pay, with a chunk of that price going to a number of charities, including:

Humble Bundle even lets you decide how much of their money goes to the charity, how much goes to help Humble Bundle, or even how much goes to the developers of the games.

In Japan, the BANDAI NAMCO Group companies are known for supporting different charity programs and we are very happy to be partnering up with Humble Bundle who is a well-known company with focus on charity,”said Anthony Macaré, Head of Digital at BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe in a press release announcing the partnership.

Recently published Bandai Namco PC titles like Dark Souls II and Dragon Ball Xenoverse have already appeared on the Humble Storefront.

No word yet on when we will see the first Bandai Namco themed Humble Bundle.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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