Battlefield V News, Notes and Royale! – E3 2018

EA started off their part of E3 2018 showing off its much anticipated and much talked about shooter, Battlefield V (thank you EA for using Roman numerals properly).

Here’s what was talked about and what we can expect when the game launches later this year:

  • The ability to attach defenses to vehicles, making them mobile. Meaning you can take emplacements such as turrets and AA guns and move them to different parts of the map using tanks. While this will require a lot of teamwork to coordinate, it definitely opens up possibilities.
  • Destructible environments. Nice demo of a tank just steamrolling through buildings with “levelution” style precision. Sort of a return-to-form here since I really remember this being a thing during the Bad Company games. Gives an uneasy feeling of never feeling truly safe and this really interests me.
  • NO micro-transactions!
  • NO loot boxes. However, customization will be a big part of the game, including cosmetically. Which leads me to assume you can purchase items through in-game currency and/or receive drops during matches.
  • NO Premium Pass. Future DLC for Battlefield V is free!
  • An actual single player experience based around “War Stories” similar to Battlefield 1. We will learn more about this during Microsoft’s conference Sunday.



Also came word of a brand new mode to the series and another franchise to jump on the bandwagon on the hottest trend in gaming: Battle Royale.

Few details were presented and we got the typical “we will tell you more later this year”, but it does raise several questions about what this could entail:

  • Will this follow the tried-and-true structure of 100 players? Or, since this is Battlefield V and all, will they go bigger?
  • Vehicles have always played a major part in the franchise, so you have to think it will have a big impact in this mode.
  • Will there be a dedicated map for Royale? Will it me variations of the other maps in the game?

Either way, if there is a franchise that lends itself well to the Battle Royale template, it’s Battlefield V. We always hear about the moments that happen “Only in Battlefield” and all the “Battlefield Moments” and I figure in a mode as chaotic and unpredictable as Battle Royale, it can only lead to more of those moments and I am very interested in learning more.

Does this excite you? Are you ready for the next and different Battlefield experience. Share your comments below.

Battlefield V comes out October 19th for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC. Of course this date will fluctuate depending on which version you choose to buy and if you have EA Access and which way the wind happens to blow in Cancun between the hours of 4 – 5 PM on a specific day in August and… uh… sorry.

Be sure to stay on top of all of NerdBacon’s E3 2018 coverage right here!

Written by Jepheroth

Jeff AKA Jepheroth is one third of the Game Tasty Show trio, a hockey fanatic, a beer snob and a pro wrestling aficionado. He has also been a minor league mascot for 13 years.

When he is not writing about games, he is playing games over at as he tries to make a big impact on the streaming community. Everyone is welcome to join Jepheroth Club and many games from many genres are featured there.

Jeff’s favorite game of all time is still The Legend of Zelda (NES) but loves to get a little punchy with some Tekken 7, use his mind at some Hearthstone, make big plays with Overwatch or explode enemies into tiny gibs in Quake Champions.

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