bbpower’s Top 10 Games

I figured it was time to sit down and really think about what games were the top ten in my book. This is a much harder feat to accomplish than one would think if you have played as many games as I have (I am sure many of you can relate). There are endless variables to calculate and genres to consider that would drive any normal nerd bonkers. I finally had to decide which games took up the greater chunks of my life, and I guarantee I am forgetting a few game. I remember exactly how I got each of these games and the fond memories of playing them. So, without further ado, here is bbpower’s current top ten games, which I am sure are going to shock many.

tmetal210. Twisted Metal 2 – Sony PlayStation

I am sure this game does not make very many lists, but I absolutely loved Twisted Metal 2. It was a gift for X-mas when it came out. My best friend and I played it way too much and got to the point where we could take down this monster in under a half-hour in co-op mode (yes we actually timed it; sad I know… or totally awesome!). This game had fun characters, was challenging in one-player mode, and was overall exciting for its unpredictable game play. This is one of those titles that no matter how many times you play it, it is never the exact same. I applaud the Twisted Metals for that reason.

1535207-nbajamte_box9. NBA Jam T.E. – PlayStation, SNES, Sega Genesis

I am not a big fan of sports titles and you will not find too many in my collection, except for some vintage collector titles. For one to land on my top ten was a big surprise for even me. However, NBA JAM T.E. was played many times on Playstation and Sega Genesis over the years, and has been a repeat play even up to present day. The power-up icons and hidden extended rosters were an added bonus. Also, how many games can you play as wild man Bill Clinton, or the Fresh Prince? This title was released at the end of the golden age of NBA basketball and had many of the quality players the league will be forever lacking. You could play with Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Shawn Kemp, Karl Malone, and John Stockton to name a few. There was not a bad team (besides the Mavericks, even though they had Jamal Mashburn, who was awesome). Jason Kidd was even in this game as a rookie!

37199-Mortal_Kombat_Trilogy_[NTSC-U]-18. Mortal Kombat Trilogy – Sony Playstation

I love the Mortal Kombat franchise. From the Sega Genesis games all the way though the movies, I welcomed them all into my life. This game is by far the most routinely frustrating title on my top ten. This game has made me, and many others, pissed off to no end when trying to climb the towers and defeat the game. However, the fatalities, awesome characters, and differentiation in opponents is always a good time. I picked the Playstation version as my preferred avenue, because of the controller quality was better than Sega Genesis. It made pulling off fatality combinations easier.

TMTN3_CoverArt7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Manhattan Project – NES

Cowabunga, dude! This game, for an NES title, has it all and was exactly what the fans wanted for a Turtles game. It had the Shredder and gang, fun, yet challenging levels, power-up pizzas, and chance to stomp the Foot Clan. The boss fights are challenging and it definitely will make you use a few continues to get through. I loved playing this installment with my brothers growing up. All three TMNT games for the NES were good, but this one topped them all.


6. Pokemon Red / Blue – Game Boy

For adventure games, Pokemon really fits the shoe. This game is long, exciting, unique, and how can you not like the idea of having a Pokemon at your side? The entire Pokemon franchise was a tremendous idea that is easy to love. This is why I have almost every Pokemon game to date. I loved playing these games in the car, or on airplanes. It led me to having a pretty sweet Gameboy system and game collection. Pokemon was a 52+billion dollar idea and still has so much to give. It also is one of those games that can be played different ways. As they say, “Gotta catch’em all!” The only thing that held back this gem from being my favorite game was; it only came out for Gameboy. I wanted it on a bigger screen (Have the cartridge to play though SNES and Gameboy Player for Cube, though). I wanted a full-length RPG like a Final Fantasy with intense graphics. If Game Freak would have done this, it would have been bigger than anyone could have dreamed.

GoldenEye007box5. Golden Eye 007 – Nintendo 64

In my eyes, Golden Eye 007 will always be the top party game of all time for my generation. Everyone has their proven tactics for victory and with the multi-player mode with interchangeable weapons, levels, health, characters, handicaps, and time limit/kills, this game has more scenarios than one could handle in an evening of play. Also, James Bond is by far the coolest character to ever be in any movie/video game ever. The single player mode is guaranteed to challenge and the game takes time to beat. Golden Eye will provide many laughs in multi-player, definitely in proxies only.

20234-Metal_Gear_Solid_[disc1of2]-44. Metal Gear Solid – Sony PlayStation

I love this game and for its time, it was ahead of the rest. This is one of the first games a player could sneak up on an enemy and snap his neck, take his gun (or dropped item), and keep killing. Also, the bad guys were self-aware, which made the game seem more realistic for the time it came out (even though it wasn’t really. The bad guys were pretty stupid actually). However, Metal Gear Solid was a multi-disc adventure that I still enjoy playing here and there. The first time I played it all the way through, though, was a real treat.

Super_Mario_Bros._3_coverart3. Super Mario Bros. 3 – NES

When it comes to retro gaming, I look no further. Super Mario Bros. 3 for the Nintendo Entertainment System was a fantastic game. There were eight unique worlds, multiple power up suits, warp whistles, 2-player mode, and this game was long if you played every level. This game never gets old and takes me back to yester-years when times were good and simple. I have a massive NES collection and have played other games more, but overall Super Mario Bros. 3 was phenomenal for Nintendo Entertainment System.

Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front2. Final Fantasy VIII – Sony PlayStation

Final Fantasy VIII is an awesome game! I know many did not like it, but it was good. I played this RPG far too many hours and still love playing it today. No matter how many times you play an RPG as detailed as this one, it is not the exact same. Sure, there is repetition, but nothing is alike. The players will never level up the same, the battles will never unfold the exact same way, items will cross your path differently, and the graphics for the time period were ahead of its time. Your team can be interchanged to give the players a variety of battle tactics and the side quests are a lot of fun. I love games that take hours and hours to beat. If you can beat a game in a day/weekend/whatever, its not a worthy game.

ff7index1. Final Fantasy VII- Sony PlayStation

Well, my fellow gamers, this is it; my top choice for every video game that has ever been created. Its a valid choice and out of this entire list of top tens, it is the game that deserves the most respect. This game is long, tedious, and will never unfold the same. The characters are great, the bosses are difficult, and the adventures are action-packed. The only thing that holds this game back for being amazing was the graphics. They were ahead of the curve in every way at time of release, but if this game had FF8-style graphics, it would be that much better. Luckily for fans alike, they are remaking the game. Still, I love this release with all I can love for a video game. Its eaten up far too much of my life, which is why I do not play it as much anymore, but this game will forever be the game that sets the bar for me. I know I am not alone in my logic. You cannot go wrong with this game, even though the WEAPONS make me want to kill myself.


Honorable mentions:

  • Contra and Super C – NES (instant classics from the second they appeared on shelves)
  • Mega Man 1-6 – NES (Amazing, yet challenging series. One of the best series for NES)
  • Gran Turismo 6 – PS3 (only reason this did not make the list is because the game is improved every release)
  • Castlevania 1, 2, 3 – NES (How can you not like the hunt for Dracula? Also, very hard)
  • Medieval – Sony PlayStation (This is a unique game. I suggest it to anyone looking for a semi-lengthy adventure)
  • Resistance 2 – PS3 (Great shooter game that entertained me for hours in college)

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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