Best Buy Has An Awesome Deal on Gamers Club

Best Buy has an amazing deal this week on their Gamers Club Unlocked discount membership.

If you purchase any cell phone, including pre-paid cell phones by the end of the week (11/8/2014) you can get the Gamers Club membership for free.

Since it works on pre-paid cell phones, that means that you can walk into Best Buy, pick up a $15 Tracphone, and walk away with the Gamers Club membership for free!

Your very own Watchman was shocked when he first heard of the deal and like any good reporter, I went down to my local Best Buy to investigate. Sure enough, I was able to walk away with a shiny new Gamers Club Membership for the price of a $15 tracphone.

You could have a happy piggy bank with the Best Buy Rewards Club membership

You could have a happy piggy bank with the Best Buy Rewards Club membership

Best Buy’s Gamers club membership normally retail for $99 and it gives you 20% off all new games, 10% off of used, plus lots of trade-in bonuses and coupons throughout the year. Memberships last for two years. The other caveat is that you have to be a Best Buy Rewards Club member in order to qualify, however the Rewards Club is free and you can sign up for it at their website.

Here is what you need to do:

Go to Best Buy and pick up a pre-paid cell phone.

Go to the gaming section and grab one of the cards for the Gamers Club membership.

When you go to checkout, have the associate enter in your phone number so they can bring up your Rewards data.

Have them scan in the Gamers Club card

Have them scan in the cell phone.

The price of the membership should drop from $99 to zero. No manager approval needed!

-source: Neogaf

Does this sound like a good deal to you? Any problems with trying to take advantage of the offer? Give us a shout in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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