Best Buy Gamer’s Club Unlocked Institutes A Blackout Date

Members of retailer Best Buy’s video game discount club, Gamer’s Club Unlocked received an email on June 1st amending the program’s terms of service.

Normally, the Gamer’s Club Unlocked program offers a healthy 20% discount off the retail price for all new video games, as well as a 10% discount on all used games.

Buried within the updated terms of service is a new caveat: the 20% discount will no longer apply to items advertised within Best Buy’s Thanksgiving ad.

Best Buy Gamer's Club Unlocked members will just have to be like the rest of the unwashed masses on Black Friday.

Best Buy Gamer’s Club Unlocked members will just have to be like the rest of the unwashed masses on Black Friday.

That’s right, your 20% discount is suspended on Black Friday.

Best Buy has been running some great Black Friday sales over the past couple of years, so shoppers are already getting a deal that day; however, it’s a bit disheartening to see a company institute a blackout date on the paid Gamer’s Club Unlocked membership.

20% discount off new physical video games, including pre-orders (excludes pre-owned video game software and digital gaming). Benefit does not combine with promotions advertised in Best Buy’s Thanksgiving Day physical ad or expanded digital ad.

The danger (and this is speculation on my part) is that allowing one date for the normal discount to be blacked out, will set a precedent allowing other dates to be blacked out; thus eroding the value of the discount program altogether.

Best Buy’s Gamer’s Club Unlocked retails for $30 and lasts for a two-year period.

We will update this story if Best Buy comments on the issue.

You can view the full terms of service agreement right here.

What do you think of the Black Friday blackout for Best Buy’s Gamer’s Club Unlocked? Do you think it’s fair? Or do you call shenanigans? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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