Volume 6: Everything Else

I can’t be sure that I covered every multiple favorite from a single group or artist in the previous volume, but I think I’ve done a fair job. Still, after covering so many albums, there are a few that I quite simply haven’t gotten to yet for one reason or another.  I don’t think I have any more tricks up my sleeve, so whatever happens from here on out will be tacked onto this volume, aptly titled Everything Else.  A few of these are albums that sprang to mind much later than others, while most are the result of browsing through directories and lists and having “oh yeah!” moments.

I haven’t heard every single album to come out of the 90s, so it’s entirely possible that as time goes on I might discover more records from the decade that I’d like to list among my favorites, and they could end up here as well.  So without further ado,let’s take a look at everything else.

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