Discography Trippin’ with The Cubist

Discography Trippin'

Welcome to Discography Trippin’ with The Cubist!

In this series, I’ll “take a trip” through the main points of an artist’s catalog – typically the artist or band’s major, full length releases.  This is my chance to talk about albums as they relate to each other rather than judging them on their own.  It can be pretty amazing to listen to all of a band’s major work and listen to them grow, change, evolve, and maybe even decline!

At some point, these trips may become dated since artists are releasing new material all the time.  I’ll try to keep up with them the best that I can.  If a new album comes out and you want to make sure I give it a listen, feel free to drop me a line.  TheCubist@NerdBacon.com

Let’s kick off the journey!

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