Beyond Good and Evil 2 – E3 2018

It wouldn’t be a Ubisoft showcase in 2018 if we didn’t get another look at Beyond Good and Evil 2. The open world space opera, as it was referred to during the show, had another strong presence during the showcase but still looks to be a ways away from coming to a console near you. Now while we may have to wait awhile to play the second game in the series, it was revealed that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is a prequel. You heard that right. You’re going to play out events that lead up to the first game.

Character concept art from Beyond Good and Evil 2

The cg trailer for Beyond Good and Evil 2, which you can watch below, focused on events that took place in space. Showing the characters aboard a ship that seems to have stalled with no danger in sight. Out of nowhere there looks to be an incoming shock wave around the radius that not only rocks the ship but reveals a very large and ominous ship that creeps into the view. To avoid any spoilers for you, since you’ve gone this far, I won’t go into detail about what happens at the end of the trailer.

Not only did we get a meaty trailer to excite us for Beyond Good and Evil 2, Ubisoft revealed what I think is some of the coolest news we have received so far during E3 2018. Ubisoft has partnered with HitRECord, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s online social and collaborative production company, to allow fans of Beyond Good and Evil 2 to create original content for the game itself. You’ll be able to do this through the appropriately named, Space Monkey Program. This means that if you have ideas, whether they be art, music, character designs, or anything else, you can have your voice heard. Original content and assets created by the fans will allow fans to grow even more attached to this beloved franchise more than ever before. Ubisoft and HitRECord launched the Space Monkey Program today if you choose to get those creative juices flowing. Beyond Good and Evil 2 will also get its own event this fall, BGE Fest, that will showcase this talent from individuals across the world.

I love the logo for the Space Monkey Program

Everything shown thus far for Beyond Good and Evil 2 is in the pre-alpha stage at this time. This tells us over at NerdBacon that we are most likely going to be waiting for quite some time. What excites you about the upcoming space opera? Will you be contributing to the Space Monkey Program? Are you still on board with everything shown so far? Beyond Good and Evil 2 will one day become reality and NerdBacon will bring you everything Beyond Good and Evil 2 right along with everything else E3 2018 and video games.


Be sure to stay on top of all of NerdBacon’s E3 2018 coverage right here!


Written by Level Up Justin

Justin AKA Level Up Justin, is a video game journalist and content creator from Des Moines, Iowa. He’s a life-long fan of all things video games and has been playing as far back as he can remember. Throughout his life he has grown to love all different types of games. All the way from third person action adventure to first person shooters. From sport simulations to survival horror. Although he would have to admit that he excels at platformers the most. When it comes to video games, Level Up Justin is willing to give everything a shot.

Justin is a so called pro wrestling expert, sports fanatic, rock and roll enthusiast, horror nerd and avid dog lover. If you’re ever out with him be prepared to pet any canine that comes into the vicinity! If he wasn’t creating content for video games he’d be doing something similar in the world of sports, most likely baseball. Make sure to follow Level Up Justin on all of the social medias @ LevelUpJustin

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