Big Brother Sees You – Watch Dogs 2 Announced For This November – E3 2016

One of the key titles of Ubisoft’s E3 2016 conference has already been revealed.

Today the company provided an in-depth look into Watchdogs 2, which the company revealed will be released on November 15th, 2016, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

The rapid advancement of technology has created a highly convenient, interconnected world, where almost anything can be obtained in almost an instant.

But as those bonds of technology have brought us closer together, they also have allowed authoritative entities, whether it’s a large corporation or a government agency, to peer into our lives and piece together highly accurate profiles based off of the meta-data that we leave behind.

Big Brother won't know what hit him in Watch Dogs 2

Big Brother won’t know what hit him in Watch Dogs 2

These digital breadcrumbs can be put together to weave a tapestry of insight into our lives. What’s truly frightening is the fact that special algorithms have been developed to use that Meta-data, in order to predict your future actions.

It’s in this world of predictive, pre-crime programming, that Watch Dogs 2 takes place.

Watchdogs 2 follows the exploits of hacker, Marcus Holloway, as he attempts to lead a rebellion in San Francisco against the ctOS 2.0 operating system. This command and control system connects the city infrastructure into a seamless unit, but also has the ability to manipulate the lives of every day citizens. Marcus finds himself victimized and hunted because of the pre-crime algorithm run by the city’s new operating system.


Marcus sets out to help a group very reminiscent of Anonymous, as they try to liberate the city from the grasp of ctOS 2.0.

Ubisoft hopes to build upon the solid, but flawed foundation of the original title by building a game that fully realizes the  “hacker lifestyle“.

Marcus will be a more experienced hacker than the original’s protagonist; capable of hacking everything from cars, cell phones, various computer systems, and a host of other connected devices.

He will also be more agile, with a wider variety of moves, weapons and fighting abilities at his disposal, for those times when a computer is unable to match the raw processing power of a mighty fist.

Ubisoft will be talking more about Watch Dogs 2 during their E3 2016 press event, which you can watch on NerdBacon’s channel on Monday, June 13th, starting at 3:30pm EST.

Are you ready to hack into the world of Watch Dogs 2? Leave your breadcrumbs of thoughts in the comments section below.


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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