Big Hero 6 to Join Kingdom Hearts III

Sora is going to get some big help when Kingdom Hearts III launches, with the addition of characters and locals from Disney’s hit animated movie, Big Hero 6.

Big Hero 6 producer Ray Conli confirmed for fans attending Disney’s D23 Expo this weekend, that Sora and crew will be visiting San Fransokyo and teaming up with Baymax and other heroes from Disney’s hit movie.

The themes in Kingdom Hearts and Big Hero 6 match very well.” said Conli in a video promoting the announcement released today by Square Enix. Conli went on to cite both properties emphasis on the themes of friendship, as well as light over darkness.

The most intriguing aspect of Big Hero 6’s inclusion in Kingdom Hearts III is that the game will pick up after the events of the movie, acting as a continuation of the story, as well as a possible bridge to a cinematic sequel.


A screen capture of some concept art from today’s D23 expo, courtesy of Neogaf

Square Enix has still not given any indication as to when we can expect to see Kingdom Hearts III on store shelves, however with more news finally starting to trickle out about the game, we may be closer to finally getting a release date.

Kingdom Hearts III is currently in development for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Are you ready to wield your Keyblades on the streets of San Fransokyo, when the world of Kingdom Hearts III meets the world of Big Hero 6? Share your excitement in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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