ChronoSloth’s Bacon Bits

October 6th, 2015

With my girlfriend in Portland visiting her parents this week, I figured I’d go spend the week in my hometown with my grandparents. I contemplated packing 7081 (my grey PS4) since Metal Gear Online would be launching during my mini-vacation, but my dedication to playing some spookier titles for our Halloween celebration on Nerd Bacon (as well as the fear any damage to my grey baby would occur) led me to leave it behind. A fair amount of my retro consoles are present at my grandparent’s house, and my PS2 and PS3 stay there for my grandmother to play; she’s the coolest. I did pack my laptop full of emulators and a few horror games for the PlayStations, so I’ll do fine besides my Metal Gear withdrawals.

I’m currently playing an excellent fan translation of Square Enix’s Japan only DS release, Nanashi No Game. It’s a super creepy game in the vein of The Ring about a mysterious downloadable TS game (an obvious DS parody) that kills players after 7 days. I started playing early this morning, and I’ll probably be done and ready to review by tomorrow, but my job will cut into my writing time a bit. I’m excited talk about the game in detail though 😀 Hope you’re looking forward to reading about it!

nanashi no game

All smiles.





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