Rhutczar’s Bacon Bits

Hello all! Seems like I mis-counted and snagged a Bacon Bits just a tad ahead of schedule. Anyway this is where you will be able to read all of my progress on a variety of projects. On the other hand, I may just use it for what blogs are supposed to be used for, ramblings and what not. Anyway, keep checking back for a new update!

December 3rd, 2018

Wow. it has been over two years. Except for the fact I’ve had this page open for a least 10 days trying to update it, I basically forgot that it existed. So, I guess let’s start with a life update?

It sure as hell has been a minute, huh?

Now that two years have passed, honestly quite a bit hasn’t changed. I almost feel that I am just updating for the sake of updating. As for work, I am still working way too hard for too little. I finally left my completely BS marketing job of over 5 years to take a job as a Business Analyst for a local start-up…you can definitely say a change of pace. This has freed up my time, but I feel I have reached the point where I’m being less productive because of it. I am actually learning more about marketing in this new position than I was previously, quite odd hmm?

As for projects, I still run Media in Review, or MiR, or MiR Music, whatever the hell you want to call it. That blog/website has gone through so many stylistic changes that I don’t even know where to begin. Even some of my old gaming reviews still exist in the catalog, but don’t go looking because they are atrocious. I have been spending most of my extra time working on rebranding and upgrading, with a new dedicated site going live relatively soon. I want to change the name to something a little less dated, I mean hell my original concept was because I loved Blackberry’s “Research in Motion”. So any feedback would be appreciated. While the content is primarily electronic music now, our movie legacy content still thrives on a weekly basis so I will be bringing it back. Electronic music will still have a focus, as I have now growing relationships with 2 international PR agencies, as well as some of the largest record labels in the industry (Protocol Recordings, Armada Music, Enhanced). So I guess I have been busy on that front.

Man, my eyes are killing me. I really should be wearing my glasses while I write this.

As for Nerdbacon, I have been relatively absent. I still actively exist in the community, especially on socials since I have two outlets to share content. I began streaming solo on Twitch (due to certain complications) earlier this year as well as a YouTube channel, which I have both been absent from for a few months now. Why? Life gets in the way. However, I have about 7 videos processing as I type this and 3 more still needing editing. So if you like what I write here, go follow me everywhere else. I am @Senor_con_Queso on all other platforms.

As for health, there are a few members in the community that know what is going on. My mental health hasn’t been the greatest, as intense strains at home continue to wage war with what is left of my sanity. I have been working on it solo for months now, but I am actually seeing a therapist tomorrow. Just to talk. I am still losing blood, as we have figured out that my genetics declare that I will be anemic forever. Thanks genetics.

Now, as for Nerd Bacon…I am still here. While I have had my doubts and grievances, which I don’t have any expectation that many of them will be met, I am still planning to release content here. I am currently working on both Delta Rune and Red Dead Redemption 2 reviews, as well as two larger pieces regarding virtual reality and the power of choice (or lack thereof) in games. I will hopefully have them written within the next week, but when you see them will be down the line.

Now, for the future. I am starting a podcast. I will be partnering with a close friend of mine as well as individuals within my growing network to talk about movies, music, investing, or just growing up always on fire in California. I only have a working title so far, but I will reveal more details soon on my socials/YouTube. MiR will be changing, I can guarantee it. Also, did you know Nerd Bacon has a PS4 community? There is only a handful of us right now, but I have updated it with up to date info and will be reaching out to other communities to grow.

Oh and in just random news, I have been invited by Bulleit Whiskey to take part in their creator’s summit event at a 3D printed bar popup with 3D printed drinks. I’m also going to be at a taping for one of IGN’s podcasts, yet the name currently escapes me. Also for those who already know I make DIY liquor in my spare time, I have since branched into making hot sauce as well. What is currently stocked fermenting in the bar is a Rosemary Mint gin, Ghost Pepper Vodka, Ghost Pepper Whiskey, a blackberry IPA, a pineberry Sour gose, and a hemp Liquor. Also, my first attempt at making hot sauce (a pineapple mango ghost pepper and sweet chili sauce) came out amazing, yet I felt like I had been sick for a month I was coughing so much. Next time I work with Indian ghost peppers I need a respirator. I also need a Scoville meter, as I want to know how what this is.

Okay, seriously, I need to step away. My eyes are strained and I have a headache. Ciao for now, and I promiss it won’t be another two years.

October 10th, 2016

Hello Halloween everyone! Long time no talk to! Oh who am I kidding. What have I been up to…lots and lots of work. I wasn’t able to go on my Iceland trip and won’t be going to Norway this year, as I will be going to Switzerland in June 2017 instead! I was able to traverse down to Las Vegas, NV for a nice week long trip that began in disaster. I would say my 2nd worst time flying overall (My first was flying back from Vegas in 2009). Still keeping my hopes up for our Nerd Bacon Vegas trip…I’m looking at you ZB and Watchman. I didn’t shoot much footage while I was there, but I have some bungee jumping footage that will be tacked on to the first Vlog on my YouTube channel once the re-design is through.

Oh, did I forget to mention that? Media in Review is going through a re-design, a major and much needed improvement (hopefully/maybe?), with new branding and some mild expansion. I began recording a podcast a few months ago, which I have been holding off on launching officially until the new design is done. Anyway enough work talk.

Where the hell is everybody? Come back Baconeers…come back! I hope to see more Halloween horrors in the next few weeks.

June 18th, 2016

Wow, another three months has flown by. How is everybody doing? It has been a while since I have heard from most of you.

Anyway what’s new? To be honest not much. Still completely slammed like crazy when it comes to work. I will hopefully be leaving one of my soon for a chance to work in Silicon Valley! Cross my fingers. Anyway, now that it is summer time shouldn’t we be going on vacation? I finally have everything booked! I should have some detailed travel Vlogs uploaded somewhere once I have time to edit them.

Vacation 2016:

  • July: Las Vegas
  • September: Iceland
  • December: Norway

In a desperate need for travel, it’s about time I slammed as much as possible into the rest of the year. See y’all when I can!

March 14th, 2016

Hey all! Wow, it has been a while since I have updated my bits. Not much really going on at the moment, which is a surprise for once. I’m finally taking an actual vacation, two as a matter of fact, this year. I scored a great deal on a cruise from New Orleans to Mexico and throughout the Caribbean, as well as a solid deal to travel to Iceland in September. I have been busy on not so secret projects for my own site, so if you follow it we will have a travel Vlog going up soon. A friend of mine has been documenting his trip around the world even though he is finally settling down in Australia for the next year. Damn I wish I could do that.

Oh, before I forget…I started collecting a variety of Funko’s Pop Vinyl figures and mystery minis. I have a rather large collection of the minis growing and will try to get pictures taken of all of them today so I can get them up over on Flickr. Ugh…how much I hate you Flickr.


November 14th, 2015

Hello all! Sorry that I have been kind of distant the last few weeks, as I am barely staying awake nowadays. I have been promoted at three other companies I work for. Now I am a Regional Event Supervisor at my marketing job, a permanent writer over at WatchMojo, and the new Northern California main author and festival correspondent over at Neon Vision Entertainment. It keeps me really busy…bleh. When it comes to the holidays, retail is the worst. Just right about marketing…

Anyway, for the Mario challenge, I have played through the first game to complete for the challenge. Super Mario RPG has been tackled. What will I beat next? I haven’t thought that far just yet. Besides this, keep a check out for more reviews and two more issues of the RBG. I just have a few things left and I should be done. Almost!

In terms of collecting, I finally found my Hetalia: Axis Powers Italy plush! Now that I have four, I have to start tackling the World Twinkle series.

Lastly, this is to the select Baconeers that regularly turn in to our Twitch stream. My little brother, ChargedTerror96, just picked up Fallout 4 and won’t shut the hell up about it. So, even though he doesn’t have a mic, he would like to stream some gameplay. If you would like to watch, it will be on his Twitch channel at twitch.tv/chargedterror96 on Wednesday, Nov. 18th at about 6 pm EST.


October 25th, 2015

Alright…I am finally back online. My AC adapter overheated and stopped providing enough power to run my computer…fantastic. This quick story just shows how much I hate my local Best Buy.

I enter my local Best Buy after work yesterday, as after some research that was my best bet. My HP has a weird plug in pin, so it is hard to find a working adapter for it. Moving on, I was able to find the AC adapters but can’t decide which one. A relatively cute employee comes over, and starts talking to me about the pros and cons of each adapter I am looking at. Great…she kind of knows what she is talking about. Now, in the middle of our conversation, she walks away to help two customers who just entered the building. Mind you she didn’t say one moment or let me help these customers first or anything. SHE JUST WADDLED AWAY.

Now thinking about it it makes sense, as her position adds commision bonuses. My $60 purchase would mean nothing in comparison to a $1500 Mac computer. After 35 minutes she returns (I’m beyond pissed at this point, as I am still not sure which to buy) and suggests I buy an entire new computer. -_-…seriously? I’m telling her the computer is not the problem just the cable. Now no shit, she tells me “Well if you aren’t buying a new laptop, then you are wasting my time and will not help you.” What the hell crawled up her ass and died. Visibily pissed, I went to her manager and cursed all of them as I left the store.


October 1st, 2015

…So I have snagged the collector’s bug. I know, I know, I am finally joining the party. Unfortunately I am not interested in collecting classic titles like the rest, as I have other interests. I needed something else, as I do have an ongoing coin collection. I actually enjoy collecting foreign and old currency and will hopefully have a substantial collection in those regards relatively soon. That isn’t what I am talking about now though, I have a new addiction.



As for those who shoot the shit about anime with me, y’all know I am obsessed with Hetalia: Axis Powers. Not just Axis Powers though, no matter which series I am infatuated. So as I was exploring San Francisco’s Japantown for the first time yesterday, I came across a little store that is every anime lover’s haven. I mean, it’s utterly ridiculous. Unfortunately I almost had my phone broken when I tried to snap a photo by the clerk, so I’ll just have to use stock photos for now.


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So far I have three out of the basic set. The ones I were able to snag at the store were Great Britain, Russia, and America. I was incredibly disappointed the I was unable to find Italy as my first one, but I digress. My mission is to try and find each one in-store and try to stay away from eBay and Amazon as much as possible. We will see what I can find next time!

September 10th, 2015

Hello Baconeers! Already back from Sin City. Let’s just say that I forgot how insane I become when I travel to that city. I also almost came back with more money than I left with, if it wasn’t for some colossal fucktard not knowing how to play Blackjack and screwing it up for everyone else. YOU DON’T SPLIT 20s IF SHE HAS 15! This dumb shit lost me almost $700 in profits. That’s what happens when you drink too much and start to gamble.

Also, I did do a little bit of pole dancing while I was there. Five yards of 190 Octane will do that to me. Is there photographic evidence? Nothing that I am willing to share…:D

Onto the topic of the day…do y’all Baconeers have a certain playlist you listen to while writing your reviews? I know a few of you listen to the soundtrack of the game itself, but I need a little more than some VGM.

Here is my current playlist:
1. “Smokahontas” by Attack Attack
2. “System…” by Enter Shikari
3. “…Meltdown” by Enter Shikari
4. “Bye Bye Beautiful” by Nightwish
5. “Fantasmic” by Nightwish
6. “Freir Frei” by Rammstein
7. “End of the World Party” by I See Stars
8. “Sweating Bullets” by Megadeth
9. “Fly to Stay Alive” by maNga
10. “Bir Kadin Cizeceksin” by maNga
11. “Mic Check” by Hadouken!
12. “Turn the Lights Out” by Hadouken!
13. “Hello Tyrannosaurus, Meet Tyrannicide” by Enter Shikari
14. “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” by Panic! At the Disco
15. “Watercolour” by Pendulum
16. “All the Right Moves” by One Republic

What do y’all listen to?

September 7th, 2015

Ugh…now I am 24. I know that most people don’t feel anything basically after turning 21 (at least until 25 to be able to rent a car and for insurance…yay) but I feel that I am completely overwhelmed. Maybe an early quarter-year crisis? That’s the new mid-life crisis anyway.

Oh well…I am going to Vegas for the next few days. Not necessarily doing the whole tourist adventure, but still going to fall into a few of the tourist traps. Overpriced yards of margarita anyone? I’ll be pool side for the next few days, going MIA. You know what? Depends on how much I drink/how the days go, you may just get some pole-dancing evidence at the request of a few of the Baconeers. Ciao!

September 1st, 2015

Hello all you non-readers! So I have finally decided on a name for my tabletop column, it will be known as the “RBG” (Rhutsczar’s Board Games). I already have a long list of board games to review, but feel free the leave any others. Tell me what y’all would like to read! So far I have (In no particular order mind you!):

  • Coup
  • Love Letter
  • Boss Monster
  • Boss Monster L2
  • Betrayal at the House on the Hill
  • Pandemic
  • Dead of Winter
  • Cards Against Humanity
  • Superfight!

As far as actual video game reviews go: My two ongoing projects are to finish the Ogre Battle series this month and finish Fatal Frame for October!

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