The Watchman’s Bacon Bits

Hi Baconeers!

Welcome to theWatchman’s very first blog post! WOO! It’s about time, right? As with any blog, you can probably expect a random assortment of hopefully well composed, but still somewhat random stuff that is on my mind whether it’s related to gaming or not. You may also see an assortment of things that I wanted to turn into full-blown articles, but just didn’t have the time to devote to it.

And that is exactly what I’m going to do today!

So for my first post, I wanted to talk about 2015. I know, we’re already about a full month into the new year and it’s been kind of quiet so far; but it won’t be quiet for too long.

2015 is going to be an amazing year for gaming! I truly believe that. There are so many titles that have me excited, that it’s hard to narrow them down to a list of “must buys”.

I did my best though, so without further ado, here is my list of games that will destroy my disposable income in 2015.

Witcher 3 – This series is so close to being a mainstream phenomenon and I think they really have a shot at something special with the third installment. It looks massive, mature, beautiful, and so next-gen.







The Order 1886 – I have seen all the article’s kind of warning people that the game may or may not be all that it’s cracked up to be. I still think it looks interesting and want to judge it for myself. One thing is for sure. It’s going to be a lot of fun watching forums like NeoGaf explode once the Order hits the streets in February.


I just know I saw a mouse in the cupboard.








Legend of Zelda – Okay.. We may not know much about Legend of Zelda yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get excited about it! It’s Legend of Zelda. It’s Wii U. It’s a new direction for the series! What more do you want?! Oh yeah, solid details. Well we will have to wait till E3 in June for that.


If this doesn’t get you excited as a gamer, then God help you


Uncharted – Confession time. I never owned a PlayStation 3, therefore I have never played any of the Uncharted games. In fact, I don’t know if I have played a Naughty Dog game since Jak and Daxter 2 on PS2

So I’m very eager to not only have a proper introduction to the Uncharted series, but I’m also looking forward to being introduced to a studio that has matured into one of the best in the world.


Yeah. I’m being generated in real-time.








No Mans Sky –     I have been in love with the potential of this game ever since it was revealed at the Spike TV Game Awards in 2013. (In fact, it was the only good thing about that train-wreck of a show and we should be very thankful that Geoff Keighly is trying to take the concept in a completely different direction.) The idea of being able to jump into my own space-ship and zip around the galaxy, discovering a nearly infinite amount of planets is absolutely mind-blowing. The fact that this is being developed by a team of only four friggin people over at Hello Games is also inspiring. I’m really pulling for this one!


See that moon? Get in your ship and fly there. Yes.. I WANT THIS GAME NOW!








Ori and the Blind Forest – I’m such a sucker for expertly animated hand-drawn 2D artwork. I think probably ori-screen-ginsobtriggers some sentimentality due to my growing up in the heyday of the NES and SNES era’s of gaming. I’m also intrigued that Moon Studios is using Super Metroid, arguably the best title to come out of that era as an inspiration for their work.



Mortal Kombat X– Nostalgia plays its hand with me again 🙂 You have to admit though that the rebooted Mortal mkx-scorpion-screenshotKombat (9) that came out a few years back was pretty awesome, and MKX looks like it is building on that solid foundation. Plus, we need some good fighting games out for these next-gen systems!



Batman: Arkham Knight – It was so stinking painful when this game slipped to 2015. But hey, it’s 2015 now! Rocksteady has done a superb job with their previous two Batman entries, so I can’t wait to see what they have in store for this final chapter in their trilogy. It’s also exciting that Arkham Night is exclusive to New Gen systems. So it’s going to melt the eyeballs! arkhamknight3






Metal Gear Solid V – I’m going to have to be locked in a room for several weeks when this one comes out. Metal Gear is one of my absolute favorite series ever! Probably top two or three for me. I don’t know if I even have the words to describe how pumped I am for this one.. Now just give us a friggin date Kojima!!







Splatoon – Yeah I said it! I’m excited about Splatoon!! It has that look of Nintendo brilliance. A game that is able to be picked up and be instantly addicting. Splatoon’s reveal during E3 2014 was the moment that made me heel-bent on getting a Wii U. I look forward to teaming up (or against) you all this May!



That’s not all though! Oh no. There are still quite a few games that are on my radar that will probably need to get my money. They are:

Mario Maker

Tekken 7

Dying Light

Project CARS

Xenoblade Chronicles: X

Star Fox

Axiom Verge

And God knows what else will hit the streets. Publishers probably haven’t announced half of the stuff that will be coming out. Oh and then there are remasters like Journey on PS4 and Grim Fandango.

I have no idea how I’m going to play through all this stuff this year. I’m sure the list of what I want versus what I buy will be different by the end of the year.

I hope this gives you a taste of my excitement over 2015. Please feel free to let me know what you are excited about, and be sure to cast your vote on the Nerd Bacon poll that we have on the homepage!

Final thought: If Street Fighter V makes it out in 2015, all bets are off. You will not be able to pull me away!


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