ZB’s Bacon Bits

Heya, whenever you’re ready, you can delete this text and begin typing up your very own blog!

Play around with the editor, ask me for help, do whatever you like.  Like the bio page, this is space you can do whatever you’d like with.  You can see the other blogs for some suggestions on how to mark the dates and times of your posts, but it’s totally up to you.

Gerald/Variand has written us a neat little snippet of code that knows exactly when this page is updated and displays it in the left hand sidebar.  There’s a lot of interesting stuff you can do if you know HTML and CSS over in the TEXT editor (look up at the top right of this box and you’ll see two tabs; “Visual” and “Text”) but there’s one that quite a few have asked me about, and that’s creating horizontal lines. Most other common stuff is available in the above toolbar and automatically inserts the code for you, though I’ll be glad to help with anything else you might want to pull off. Anyway, to use a horizontal line spanning the length of this box (to separate entries, if you want) go over in the text editor, find where you want to put the line, and type hr / surrounded with opening and closing “arrowheads,” you know, the greater than ( > ) and less than ( < ) symbols. The end result will look like the line below.

I think that’s about it! Within the next day or two I’ll get you a graphic ready to link to your blog. The URL for this page is http://butthole.nerdbacon.com/blogs/infiniteknife/

Oh, and if this middle box starts dipping down too far below the sidebars and the page becomes really long, you don’t have to delete previous entries. All you gotta do is email me and we’ll archive existing content and set you up with a brand new area to blog. As usual, you can include anything you want here, not just gaming stuff. Pictures, videos, links, whatever you want to share.  I want our audience to really start connecting with individual writers and this is another idea to that end.

When you want to get started, delete all this text. Or, if you find it useful and want to refer to it from time to time, go to the text editor and at the VERY BEGINNING of this text, type <!-- and at the VERY END, type --!> That will hide all of this text yet you can switch over to the text editor at an time to view it.

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