BursTrick Wake Boarding – PlayStation

burstrick wake boardingPlatform: PlayStation (PS1)

Developer: Metro Corp.

Release Date (NA): 2001

Genre: Sports, Wake Boarding

Nerd Rating: 1.5 out of 10

So, I saw this game at the flea market and was instantly curious. I mean, it’s not everyday you come across a PlayStation game that isn’t some perennial sports game! So sure enough, I picked up this bad boy for $1 even and popped it in my PlayStation to play it (and to play it the right way. Authenticity is the only way). It’s pretty obvious what this game is: It’s a wake-boarding game where you ride and do tricks for points, similar to any skateboarding or surfing video game. BursTrick Wake Boarding is, well… an interesting find and… um… Yeah. Just read on.

There are 2 game modes: Obstacle and Trick. Though describing and detailing these different game modes is pretty pointless as they should be obvious, I’ll sum up what they are.

  • Obstacle: This is a tournament (bracket style) where you earn points by going through obstacles, collecting rings (that look oddly similar to Sonic rings…), and making jumps/hitting ramps. If you finish in third place or better, you advance to the next course. You don’t actually directly compete against any of your opponents. You have to beat their scores. That’s what they call “getting 3rd place”… What they really mean is “If you reach this point total, then you can advance to the next course.” It’s truly embarrassing. You continue to go around and around this little tiny course doing the same repetitive things (front flip, back flip, side flip) all while avoiding running out of time so that you can keep going in circles.
  • Trick: Trick is not much different from obstacle. Actually, it’s no different except for the purpose of the mode. It’s pretty damn difficult to figure out at first! But you will slowly learn that all of your tricks are based ENTIRELY on reflexes and pushing the designated button sequence when prompted. Basically, you pull yourself out of the wake and press SQUARE to have the game prompt a button response. You will be tasked with pressing a combination of buttons like UP and then CIRCLE or LEFT and then SQUARE. If you ever want to advance past the first part, there is ZERO room for error. If you mess up once, you will be short however many points you need to advance. It is very unforgiving and confusing.

Those are the ONLY 2 game modes and they don’t go very far and they will NOT keep your attention for long. There are 5 characters burstrick wake boarding screenshot(with 1 unlockable character) to choose from and 6 boards (with 2 unlockable characters) to choose from. With only a handful of wake boarders and boards, and with only 2 game modes, BursTrick Wake Boarding falls very flat on its face in the most violent fashion (think 150 mph in a rickety Toyota Tercel flying off a cliff). The game is extremely boring and unimaginative. The gameplay is bland, the graphics are some of the worst I’ve ever seen on the PlayStation, the mechanics are pretty unresponsive, and the options are beyond limited.

BursTrick is just an odd odd game. Why was this game released so late in the PlayStation’s life, yet the graphics are so horrid! Usually games released towards the end of the system’s life have great graphics compared to its contemporaries (Comix Zone anyone?). But this is just embarrassing. It’s awful. You’ll get chills when you turn the game on. INSTANT CHILLS! It’s just a huge pile of shit. One of the worst games I’ve ever played. The sound effects are also just as bad as the graphics. THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS!

burstrick 4There are no redeeming qualities in this game whatsoever. The atrocious graphics cannot simply be overlooked because the unresponsive, clunky, and confusing gameplay is just as frightful. There’s no telling what you’re really supposed to do in this game or what would motivate someone to play through. There are blue coins, gold coins, red coins, and other weird things. The rocks jutting out of the water look just like ramps until you’re about 5 feet away and have to make a split decision to dodge it or jump over it. I’m not sure, but I think 0 is the lowest possible score. I’m giving this game 1.25, the .25 points coming from the pretty colors. At least the colors look pretty… wait, I changed my mind. They suck too. I’m taking that .25 points away. The 1 point is only fair because the game IS playable, just not VERY playable. There’s nothing to get from this game. Okay okay… Let’s be real. I’ll throw a bone their way and give them an ACTUAL half point because some of the backgrounds are decent and there is some variety.

Overall, BursTrick Wake Boarding leaves A LOT to be desired. The sheer lack of inventiveness is just frustrating and makes this game feel lazy and like they didn’t even try. It’s no wonder I found this game for $1 and it’s also no wonder that I’ve never heard of this game. If you see this game for $1 anywhere, give $1 to the owner because you know he feels broken inside. I’m fucking broken. It wasn’t worth the money OR the time. I’m pissed as hell. This game is just flat outright atrocious. My roommate and I spent a solid hour burstrick 2playing this game just to learn the ins and outs so we could give you a detailed review. You now owe me 1 hour of your fucking life if you’re reading this! FUCK YOU! But honestly, you’ll be asleep within 15 minutes of hitting that power button. Throw this disc in the ocean and never look back. NEVER… LOOK… BACK…

Nerd Rating: 1.5 out of 10

Reviewed by NerdBerry

Written by Nerdberry


What’s up yall? David “Nerdberry” here! I am the founder of Nerd Bacon and the current co-owner (and CEO) along with partner David “theWatchman!” I hail from North Carolina, hence my love for all things pork! Oh, you’re not familiar with NC? Well I’m not 100% sure, but I am pretty confident that NC and VA lead the nation in pork production. I could be wrong, but even if I am, I still love bacon!

Come enjoy some bacon and games with us yall.

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