CAPCOM Confirms No Season 4 Pass In Street Fighter V

Capcom has confirmed that there will be no season 4 pass for it’s flagship fighting game, Street Fighter V.

The post came via the company’s Twitter channel early Wednesday evening as a clarification following the release of their first new character for Street Fighter V’s 4th season of content, Kage.

The announcement of Kage as part of a “new season of content” came at the end of a thrilling grand finals match at the Capcom Cup Sunday evening.

After the awards ceremony, Street Fighter V producer Yoshinori Ono arrived on stage to introduce the world to the game’s latest world warrior, although, the surprise had already been spoiled earlier in the evening by Capcom themselves, who released an update to the game while the finals of the championship were still taking place.

While Street Fighter V fans were excited for the immediate release of the new character, Capcom left the door open for numerous question after bucking their previous precedents of providing hints of what new characters would be made available throughout each of the game’s “seasons”. The nebulous nature surrounding Kage’s release was exacerbated by Capcom’s own transparency during 2017’s Capcom Cup championship, when they announced all of the characters that would be available in the game’s third season up front, as opposed to stringing announcements out over the course of several months.

It was this series of events that led many Street Fighter fans to question what was exactly going on with the season 4 release.

The announcement that there would be no season 4 pass for Street Fighter V did not sit well with a multitude of players, many of whom vowed to not purchase any of the additional content that will be released piecemeal for the game.

On the surface, Capcom’s decision to not provide an up-front bundle price for upcoming characters smacks of yet another in a long line of anti-consumer moves that were made by a number of game companies in 2018. Releasing characters individually, without communicating their yearly road-map of character releases can also be interpreted by fans as a lack of direction on Capcom’s part.

It will be extremely interesting for fighting game fans to see how Capcom structures the release of Street Fighter V content in 2019, and whether they have a Super game plan for the year ahead.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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