When NerdBerry and The Cubist first started NerdBacon.com, it was out of a love for / obsession with the video ..
Come take a look at some of the hottest, most anticipated titles coming out in 2014! Brought you you by the authors ..
AMD Launches New A-10 APUs Mal’s Computer Corner Developer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Release Date: January ..
What does Nerd Bacon co-founder The Cubist think of the Xbox One? Find out here!
In our previous round of PS4 vs. XB1, we discussed some of the released system specs and other details offered ..
Nerdberry takes you back to what Christmas 1992 was like for a child. Easy gaming and simpler times.
See what Nerd Bacon's writer The Cubist considers the Top 10 Worst Controllers of All Time!
Released along with the PlayStation 4 is the new PlayStation Camera, an update to the PS3’s “Eye” ..