The console wars have returned and the Xbox One is off to a bad start. Can it come back or will the PS4 emerge ..
Its so nice to have options. While Microsoft and Sony are currently dominating the market in video games, there's ..
This modern day console wars may be even closer than that of Nintendo versus Sega. Both the XBox One and the PS4 have ..
We all have a soft spot for consoles, but there's no denying that Steam is gaining some serious momentum. Sony ..
Here at Nerd Bacon we've compiled the reviews of our team's spookiest games to get in the spirit of Halloween!
Sit back, and take a look at look at what never quite made it to the shelves.
Here's a smattering of info The Cubist dug up regarding the soon-to-be in full swing 8th generation of gaming. ..
This list covers 10 of the BEST and WORST video game-to-movie titles ever released. They are in no particular order ..
Well, we all know that the Sony Playstation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One are on the way and the Nintendo Wii U is currently ..
On October the 12th, Pokémon X and Y will hit shelves across the world, a first for a Nintendo published game. ..
The Cubist reports on Nintendo's newest revision to their 3DS handheld system, the 2DS.
Sega came. They conquered. Then they left. Do they have a chance at a comeback?