Pode is a ridiculously adorable puzzle game where you get to guide a rock and a fallen star on their way through ..
Nips goes back to the good ol' days with the recently remastered Spyro Reignited Trilogy. We're all familiar with ..
Revisiting gems from our childhood is normally a rewarding experience for gamers alike...until it doesn't. Rhutsczar ..
It's been a while since ZB has reviewed a video game, hasn't it? Well, what better time than February for him to get back ..
While gaming developers now honor and try to bring mythologies back to life, it was much more rare around the turn ..
Hazardous blizzards, ground shaking volcanoes and rising sea levels; the world is alive in Civilization VI: Gathering ..
Mario Party celebrates its 20th anniversary, and the Nerd Bacon team share their favorite moments from the iconic ..
A new Nintendo mobile game is set to release in early 2019, in a new partnership with LINE Corporation. Dr. Mario ..
Nips is simply taken aback by Return of the Obra Dinn. Featuring an engaging story alongside one of the most unique ..
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall offers some great ideas, but lacks any meaningful strategy and fails ..
2019 is off to a good start as Nintendo reveals a number of indie titles heading their way to the Switch throughout ..
Soul absorbing, demon-slaying samurai Samanosuke returns in this remaster of 2001 classic, Onimusha: Warlords. ..
From the first stirrings of life beneath water to man taking his first upright steps, you have come far. Now begins ..
Still pumped from his experience with 2016's Hitman, Nips delves into 2018's Hitman 2. A new game in just two years? ..
There have been only a handful of games that have made us suffer a severe case of the feels much like Undertale ..