Would you walk through Hell to save the one you love? Would you sew a cross, detailing all your sins onto your ..
Have you ever wondered what it would sound like if Daft Punk and Queen made a song together? How about if Motörhead ..
Final Fantasy XIII gets a lot of flack for exhaustingly linear navigation and a complicated plot. While those do detract ..
Duke Nukem Forever is a game whose throes in development hell are the stuff of legend, and such is the power of its legacy ..
Ten years after the release of the final main game in the Fallout series, Fallout 2, the long awaited third installment ..
Nerd Bacon is tackling sequels, and it's only right that Mass Effect 2 be discussed. Join me, Sarus Vakarian, as I drool ..
Resident Star Wars Geek, Variand, Breaks down one of his biggest let downs in Star Wars gaming, Star Wars: The Force ..
Considered the best game of the seventh generation, Rockstar's action-packed, wild west-themed open world adventure ..
Does DuckTales: Remastered remain faithful to the original? Let's say you've never played the original DuckTales... ..
We all know that many licensed games are absolutely horrendous and The Walking Dead Survival Instinct is definitely ..
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe marked a strange turn for the MK franchise, trading in its contemporary sword-and-sorcery ..
Undoubtedly one of the best games of 2013, Sarus drools over the Tomb Raider reboot and all of the great things ..
Halo 3 retains many of the same things that made the first two so great; flawless controls, stellar voice acting, ..
Nerd Bacon noob Bubba Fett breaks down why you should add Konami Classics Volume 1 to your XBOX 360 collection ..
Halo has been one of the most successful video game franchises of all time. They put Microsoft's Xbox on the map and played ..