Nintendo Announces Code Name S.T.E.A.M. – E3 2014

Nintendo announced a second brand new I.P. in as many day tonight at their 3DS Developers conference. The event was teased today during their Tree House stream, and updates were provided via their Twitter account.

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Code Name S.TE.A.M. is a turn based strategy game developed by Intelligent Systems. The same developer responsible for games like Fire Emblem and Paper Mario. Hitoshi Yamagami said that the title had “a variety of unique features”. He also stated that they were looking for a way to “introduce more people to strategy games, and have them fall in love with them just like I did”.

Code Name S.T.E.A.M. is said to mix elements of action and shooter games to enhance movement and attacking. The also plan to utilize the touch screen to enhance control options.

Nintendo further explained that the fighters in Code Name S.T.E.A.M. run on steam, “and they have to pull from a limited amount of steam to perform attacks.”

Inspiration for the character designs were taken from American comic books, and artists Jack Kirby and Bruce Timm were cited. Developers also took inspiration for enemy designs from the Lovecraft mythos. Nintendo also said that the weapon designs for the main characters sport an “animal motif” based on that character’s personality. Characters will be able to equip a sub weapon and each one will have a special ability which can only be used once per map.steam 2

No release info was given, however Nintendo said that they are planning on showing more on the game, including an in depth ten minute demo tomorrow on their Tree House stream, which you can find by clicking this link: . After the event, Nintendo released several screenshots via their Facebook page.

We will have more details on Code Name S.T.E.A.M. as they become available.

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Be sure to check out all of Nerd Bacon’s E3 2014 coverage here!


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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