Top 10 Castlevania Games You May Never Have Played

Final Thoughts

If there’s one thing I’ve learned during the past few months of my Castlevania kick, it’s how fiercely devoted fans of the series are.  One of the most interesting things I’ve noticed is how little room there is for casual fans.  Beyond a handful of the very newest titles and the first couple of releases for the NES, there just isn’t an abundance of these games floating around.  I find this fact pretty remarkable for a series of such longevity.  Most long-standing franchises will have their small group of rarities, but I’ve never seen anything quite like this where even mediocre releases are only available on the web.

Though I’ve covered a lot of ground and added a game or three to several systems, my journey is incomplete.  I don’t pretend to be an expert, only an enthusiast, but when accounting for availability and notability, I think the “lesser played” are well represented.  Some are mere footnotes while others still receive critical acclaim today.  Not all of these may be worth playing, or even all that interesting, but it is fun to look at some of the strange directions Castlevania has taken over the last nearly 30 years.

Thankfully through modern technology, all of these can now be played by those willing!

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