Dawn of War III Gameplay Revealed – E3 2016

Guarded by a space marine of their own, Relic Entertainment showed up at the E3 AMD PC Gaming Show to show off the gameplay trailer for their new Warhammer 40,000 title: Dawn of War III. Returning in this installment are hugely populated battles made up of three primary unit types.

You can see the gameplay trailer below!


Written by Justicescooby


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Hello, I’m Justicescooby! I’ve been playing video games since I was a little kid, and recently I made the switch to primarily PC gaming. I have my own YouTube channel where I upload gaming videos daily, and I am an active member of many gaming communities/forums. I enjoy writing, whether it be my books I never seem to finish, or writing reviews or articles. I am also an aspiring singer and actor, and currently take singing lessons.

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