Deadpool – PC

Deadpool - Test game 4-2 - 2013-12-04 01-22-48Platform: PC

Release Date:
NA June 25, 2013
AU June 26, 2013
EU June 28, 2013

Developer: High Moon Studios

Publisher: Activision

Genre: Action, Beat-em-up

Rating: 5 out of 10

Reviewed by Shadow Links

Deadpool, the “merc with a mouth” and a through the roof healing factor. A somewhat obscure character from the Marvel universe with a cult like following. The bastard first appeared in the comic New Mutants, followed by appearances in others before getting his own comic. Eventually he reappeared in a reboot of the Deadpool series in 2010 with an updated arsenal of crass and crude humor which is the Deadpool style we find in the game along with the addition of a split personality disorder.

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The basic premise is that Deadpool has blackmailed High Moon Studios into making a video game about him and he follows the script written for him, well somewhat follows it. Did i mention he likes explosions? The whole game satires this idea and breaks the 4th wall constantly. Very…whats the word….meta? Throw in the fact that Deadpool is borderline insane (dude, he has voices in his head) and this makes for a very wacky story that doesn’t really matter and barely explains the meaning of new locations. Objectives are at least easy to understand why you are doing them at the moment. Unless he happens to be hallucinating.

Deadpool - Test game 4-2 - 2013-12-04 01-22-10

Dual Sledgehammers, need i say more?

The act of playing the game is far simpler though. Mostly the controls seem to be basic button inputs for a variety of other games, rather than a tight feel of something that was designed specifically for it. Basically it pans out to a strong attack, weak attack, guns, consumable weapon, teleport and switching weapons. Note that I started with a keyboard and mouse (im not used to them yet) and switched to a controller the first chance I got.

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Pick your poison, i mean weapon (of mass destruction)

Currency is found and gained from enemies and is used for buying and upgrading weapons, stats, and adding moves.  Depending on your skill you can upgrade everything already halfway through the game, or still be missing some at the end.

The humor department in High Moon Studios and Daniel Way (Deadpool writer) must have been working overtime to make up for all the shortcomings of the game and did spectacular. Now i will admit that I am not familiar with the classic Deadpool, but I can say that this version was indeed hilarious, given that you go the extra mile to slap Wolverine 50x as well as a variety of other thing you could miss speeding through.

Nerd Rating: 5 out of 10
This is just one of those games that simply treads water because it excels at at least one thing, or just happens to have a big name tie in. The humor and the Deadpool label can only do but so much for this game. Combat is very basic and grows old quickly depending on your rate of upgrading, level designs aren’t much to look at, the sound sounds like a comic book hero, but does nothing else for it, and the story – oh who cares, I got to slap the crap out of Wolverine and use a bouncy house.

Game recommendations:
Metal Gear Rising

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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