Devils Third Announced for Wii U – E3 2014

Tomonabu Itagaki stopped by IGN’s E3 booth to show two new trailers for his latest action game Devils Third.

Originally announced as a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 title back in 2010, Itagaki today announced that the game would now be an exclusive for the Wii U.

Itagaki told IGN that “Nintendo loves to play” and that “they were really committed to working with me on the project”.

He went on to explain that the story of Devils Third centers around a rogue group called the School of Democracy, who are using a device to take out different satellites around the world in order to disrupt the world’s communications. Their aim is to destroy the world’s militaries  in order to bring down the current world order and set up their own new world order. Itagaki also said that he wanted to create a world that was “close to reality” and something that could take place in the world in “five minutes”.

The game will feature a mixture of melee action, first and third person shooting, along with a robust range of multi-player options. He also said that he planned to use the Wii U game pad as a means to convey information to other players.

Devils Third is being developed by Itagaki’s Valhalla Studios. No release date was given.

Check out the new trailer below:

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Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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  • This looks awesome but man is it a little weird seeing stuff like this heavily promoted on the Wii U. Pretty violent for Nintendo, but this could be a sign of good things to come!

    nerdberry June 17, 2014 7:33 pm Reply
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