Dishonored 2 Release Date And Gameplay Revealed – E3 2016

Bethesda honored its fans Sunday evening with an in-depth look at gameplay from Dishonored 2, during their E3 2016 press event.

Dishonored 2, which is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 11th, 2016, will follow the story-line of Emily Caldwin, after the events of the first Dishonored game.

Now 25 years of age, Emily follows in her family’s footsteps, serving as the leader of her homeland. However, she is not alone. Her Royal Protector, Corvo Attano will also be available as a playable character. Each one will offer their own unique perspective on Dishonored 2’s story.

Dishonored 2 will use Bethesda’s new Void engine to craft intricate worlds, filled with story and character. NPC’s will have their daily routines that they follow. Old buildings show signs of weather damage. An example was given where a water mark on an old structure indicates that the area was once covered in flood waters.


These little details add layer and depth to the experience, creating a believable and immersive world to explore.

Emily will have a ton of new weapons and abilities to master in Dishonored 2.

One special gadget that we thought was amazingly innovative was the Timepiece.

Imagine having a device that allows you to slip in between two alternate timelines; slipping into a future version of an area in order to evade guards that you are trying to avoid in a present version of that same area. One push of a button, and suddenly you are back in your own present time, perfectly placed right behind a guard for a stealthy assassination.

It reminded us of a modern version of Link’s Magic Mirror from the classic, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

In addition to showcasing a good deal of gameplay, Bethesda also announced that a limited collector’s edition of Dishonored 2 will be available at launch.

The Dishonored 2: Collector’s Edition will come with a replica of Emily’s ring, Corvo’s special mask, and a free digital copy of Dishonored: Definitive Edition. This package will retail for $99.99.

Are you excited for Dishonored 2? Whether you are or not, make sure you do the honorable thing and let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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