Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Revealed! – E3 2017

At their press release yesterday, Bethesda announced they would be teaming up once again with Arkane Studios to bring us Dishonored: Death of the Outsider! The game will serve as a sequel to the first two installments, Dishonored, and Dishonored 2.

Players will see an old enemy, Daud, and his apprentice taking on another ambiguous fan-favorite: The Outsider. Those unfamiliar with the plot of Dishonored should be made aware that The Outsider is the powerful being responsible for granting Daud, Corvo, and Emily Kaldwin their amazing supernatural powers.

This standalone game will place players in the blood-soaked boots of a cybernetically empowered Billie Lurk in her hunt for her old master, Daud, and their new target, The Outsider.

The game is set for release on September 15th of this year and will run players a measly $30 at launch. It will be available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Arkane and Bethesda have made it very clear this is not meant to be Dishonored 2 DLC but is its own title. You can check out the official announcement trailer below!

So, how do you feel about killing The Outsider? What do you look forward to most in this new standalone?

Be sure to check out our live stream of E3 coverage on our Twitch channel. Coverage is hosted by our lovable co-owner, The Watchman and friends! Come chat with us!

Be sure to check out the rest of NerdBacon’s E3 2017 coverage right here!

Written by Poseidon


Student, dreamer, video game enthusiast, with an affinity for all things anime. Poseidon (or Zack for short) is a full-time recruiter with a staffing agency in Raleigh, NC. When he’s not screening resumes and scheduling interviews, he’s usually nerding out and devouring vegan bacon in his free time.
If you have any questions or want to know more about Zack, reach out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn!
Twitch: PoseidonNB (schedule TBA)
PSN: MilesBirch
RuneScape: Not Zack

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