Don’t Exepct Elder Scrolls VI or Starfield Any Time Soon – E3 2018

The end of Bethesda’s E3 2018 event Sunday evening featured two of the biggest surprises of the entire show: the announcements of Starfield and the Elder Scrolls VI.

Since Bethesda is one of the only developers with a penchant for not announcing games that are half a decade away from release, it stands to reason that that there were glimmers of hope that both of these titles are not too far away; however, after statements made by Todd Howard following the Bethesda’s showcase, we probably shouldn’t get our hopes up yet.

Sitting down with Gamestop as part of their ongoing E3 2018 coverage, Howard spoke about the decision on whether or not to start talking about Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI, given that they are still years away from release.

We went back and forth on whether or not we wanted to do that, because we still had a number of things we were releasing right away” Howard told Gamestop. “But we have a pretty good sync with our fans and they see rumors and things, (speaking of the numerous leaks and rumors that had spread about both Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI in the months leading to E3 2018) and we felt it was just good to acknowledge it.”

Howard also reminded viewers that Elder Scrolls VI’s development was not exactly a secret, but that presenting the announcement trailer was a way to let fans know “in a much louder way” that the game was in development.

While the revelation of both Starfield and the Elder Scrolls VI were highlights of E3 2018, Howard also described the downside to making those announcements this year:

I don’t know when we’re going to be able to show those games or even talk about them again, so there might be a period where people don’t hear about them.”

Howard goes on to describe Starfield as one of the more “typical single-player experiences” that Bethesda specializes in, as well as an experience that’s very “next-gen“.

There’s plenty more in the interview, including new info on a game that IS coming out this year: Fallout 76.

Don’t worry though – While the wait for Elder Scrolls VI might be painful now, at least you can play Skyrim (Very) Special Edition on your Amazon Alexa.

Are you willing to have patience for Starfield and the Elder Scrolls VI? Or is the wait too agonizing for you? Let us know in the comments section below

Be sure to stay on top of all of NerdBacon’s E3 2018 coverage right here!

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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