Fans of “Dying Light: The Following” Smash First Community Bounty

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The surprise smash hit, Dying Light, from 2015 has seen a great amount of content released for it since launch, both free and paid. Besides the additional content for the game, patches and updates have been frequent, and the game was already fairly bug free. Free new visual filters, options, skill trees, weapons, and Easter eggs encourage players to continue playing this already excellent game. Developer Techland has been extremely open with fans, communicating freely with them on social media, using their feedback to improve the game, having holiday themed events, and making videos to joke with players about the game logic in Dying Light. The newest addition to the game is the Community Bounty system, which tasks all Dying Light players to work together to achieve a goal and be rewarded with items or content. The first goal was to run down five million zombies using the vehicle introduced in the game’s expansion. Time’s up and the numbers are in. How did we all do?

dying light buggy frenzy community bounty

A whopping 18,166,973 zombies were smashed by players’ buggies during the bounty period. PlayStation 4 users account for nearly 50% of the total kills among all platforms, but it’s unclear if this is due to the hard work of the PlayStation Nation of if there are simply that many more players on PS4 than other platforms. The highest individual kill number supports the theory that PS4 users were actually putting in more work, but an Xbox One user follows closely behind by around 2000 zombies. Having so thoroughly blown the challenge to bits, Techland has decided to reward their community’s extraordinary efforts with not only the vehicle skin they promised, but an additional one for the tremendous number of zombie deaths by automobile.

dying light buggy community bountyThough the chance to participate in the Buggy Frenzy Community Bounty has passed, Techland plans to do these bounties fairly often. If you own Dying Light, or are planning to, you can sign up for Techland’s newsletter so that you’ll never miss a challenge or reward. Don’t be too distraught if you missed this event; you can still run over zombies in game at any time. Driving over millions of zombies in an off-road vehicle is its own reward.

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Written by ChronoSloth


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Video game reviewer who particularly loves the fourth and fifth generation of consoles. In an exclusive polygamist relationship with Nintendo and PlayStation. Fluent in Al Bhed and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 combo notation. Follow him on Instagram to see lots of pictures of video games.

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