EA’s BioWare Loses Mike Laidlaw

One of the integral members of the EA’s BioWare development team, Mike Laidlaw, has left the company.

The announcement came via Laidlaw’s Twitter account late Thursday afternoon.

Mike Laidlaw served as the creative director for BioWare’s groundbreaking Dragon Age series of action RPG’s, as well as serving a number of roles such as lead writer for 2005’s Jade Empire, and as a designer for Mass Effect.

Laidlaw was believed to be hard at work on the fourth installment of the Dragon Age series, however, we don’t know in what capacity he was contributing to the project.

BioWare’s executive producer for the Dragon Age series, Mark Darrah at least gave the world a confirmation that work is proceeding with a new Dragon Age game in his farewell tweet to Laidlaw.

It has been a rough year for BioWare, after the latest in their space-opus series, Mass Effect was met with lukewarm reviews and harsh criticism from fans upon the game’s March release.

The developer is currently working on a new space shooter – Anthem, which was revealed at E3 in 2017, and is expected to release in the first half of next year.



Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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